sharp teeth⁴

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renjun just happened to see jaemin when returning back home. he just waved hi, figuring the other didn't want a conversation until the male spoke.

"hey," jaemin said cheerfully, shooting renjun a smile. it gave renjun a chance to notice he also had two really sharp teeth, pointed like a knife. "let's talk."

"okay..." renjun retorted softly. that's the second person he's seen with teeth like that. what if jeno has them too?

it was a bit strange — they were all pale, dark haired, and two of them had sharp teeth. they fit the description of a vampire perfectly almost.

"so... where are you from?" jaemin asked casually.

"not this part of the city," renjun answered. "lost my job," he held up one finger. "couldn't pat rent," a second finger. "and i lost my car," a third and final finger. "so here i am now."

"that sucks," jaemin said sympathetically, not sure what else to say. renjun shrugged.

"yeah, that's why i looked for a place that was cheap so i wouldn't be stuck at my friends' house," renjun went on. "i felt like i was kind of bothering them. you?"

"my abuela-" jaemin started before correcting himself. "grandmother-"

"i know what abuela means," renjun said, seeing jaemin nod.

"cool," he said happily. "anyways, my abuela owns this place so she lets me and my friend," jaemin's voice sounded unsure saying 'friend', "jeno live here."

"ah," renjun nodded. "that's good."

"you know," jaemin suddenly said. "you're really pretty."

renjun's cheeks went pink. "t-thanks..."

it kind of just slipped out, jaemin saying it without meaning to. he was really attractive, some of his dark brown hair falling onto his face as he looked a tiny bit small in the sweatshirt was wearing. and his voice was very nice to his ears.

"anyways," renjun said to break the awkward silence of jaemin just staring at him. "it's kind of..." he paused, thinking of what to say. " you wanna sit down and talk? i'd prefer that instead of standing around."

jaemin's eyes shone, some sort of life in those dark depths. "sure!"


chenle couldn't focus on his lunch, those dead animals that woman showed him still fresh in his mind. yeah, animals dying were a part of life, but they were completely drained, no blood left.

it was weird.

everyone he asked hadn't seen any dead animals recently, so why only that one woman in the forest she lived near? the questions kept running around in circles in his mind. perhaps he should do some investigating.

"hello hyung," greeted jisung, sitting himself down on the chair next to chenle's with his cup of ramyeon. "what's up?you look confused."

"oh, it's nothing," chenle said with a smile, meeting his junior's eyes. "well, never mind, it's something. a woman came to me about dead animals that just didn't have any blood left in them. freshly killed animals at that. i don't understand why that is."

"that is weird..." jisung retorted before eating some of his noodles. "i could uh... help you figure it out," he quickly added, "if you want me to help, of course."

"sure, two heads are better than one," chenle said with a grin, making jisung blush crimson. "so, we can keep an eye on that forest and see what happens."

"yeah, good idea," jisung praised, though it sounded like an excuse for them to be alone together. he just hopes he doesn't embarrass himself somehow.


jaemin enjoyed talking to renjun as they sat at one of the tables in the cafeteria. but he was starting to get distracted because of his smell. he hadn't been around a human in ages until renjun came along.

his mouth felt dry — he needed to drink blood, and renjun was right there, making it worse. his laugh filled his ears after he made a dumb joke to hopefully distract himself from the strong, sweet smell.

"that's such a dumb thing to say," renjun said, sounding amused before checking the clock on the wall. "it's just about lunch time, innit?"

he turned his head back to see jaemin right in his face. "yeah it is."

renjun moved back a little in the chair, looking weirded out. "so... is mrs. na gonna make anything...?"

maybe it was his smell or the unbearable thirst building up within in, but jaemin uttered, "i'm sorry" before striking as fast as a snake, his mouth wide open to show off his fangs before he sank them into renjun's neck.

the human let out a gasp of pain, feeling as if someone had stabbed two knives into him at the same time. two strong hands grabbed onto his arms, keeping him firmly in place in the chair.

the vampire's eyes closed as he fed off the other, tasting the amazing taste of human blood on his tongue. it was familiar to him, yet almost foreign.

renjun's eyes eventually rolled into the back of his head before they closed, having gone unconscious, his body limp in jaemin's grip.

when his thirst was satisfied, jaemin pulled away, his teeth red with renjun's blood, which started to dribble from the bite mark on his neck. he felt an urge to lick it up until something clicked in his head — he's such a fucking hypocrite.

that's when his abuela emerged from her office with a plate of sandwiches for lunch. she saw the unconscious renjun and the blood on jaemin's teeth.

she growled, gripping the plate in her hands particularly hard. "what the fuck did you do?"

 "what the fuck did you do?"

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