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jaemin hadn't talked to nor at least seen renjun since that day. well, obviously he's not going to when he's been going out of his way to avoid him and staying cooped up in his and jeno's room all day.

but jeno's been around him, claiming all they've done is eat waffles and talk a bit.

it's not that jaemin even liked jeno all that much, since their relationship is pretty much nonexistent. it's renjun who he likes. but of course he had to go and fuck it up.

he curled up in a ball under the covers, enjoying the darkness it granted him. maybe i should apologise.

he ended up in front of renjun's door, raising his fist up before pausing for a moment. he took a deep breath before knocking.

it didn't take long for the door to open, the vampire's nose hit with the same strong, addictive smell. renjun hadn't changed one bit since they last actually saw each other.

"h-hi," renjun said awkwardly.

"hey," jaemin breathed, his heart starting to beat faster. "listen, we need to talk."

at those words, jeno's head perked up, looking from his place on the couch where renjun was once sitting.

"about what?" renjun asked carefully.

"about the thing," jaemin started. "i'm sorry."

"the thing?" renjun said, perplexed. "what do you mean...?" then it clicked in his head. "oh, that thing."

"i really am," jaemin went on, not noticing the eyebrows raise he earned from jeno. "i just... i won't ever..." his voice trailed off seeing the other's look. why was it so hard to come up with the right words to say? jaemin could apologise over and over again but it won't change the past.

"it's fine," renjun sounded unsure when he said that. "just keep your vampire teeth away from me."

it sounded like a joke. almost. nobody laughed.

"i'll do that," jaemin retorted. even if it means avoiding you.

just the thought of it made his heart swell with regret painfully within his chest.


it's night now, the lights off in the living room of mark's and donghyuck's house. mark snuggled into the blanket on the couch, his eyes peeking at the tv, the only thing giving off light in the entire room.

there a container once full of leftovers on the coffee table beside the tv remote and an empty can of soda.

another night of watching random shows until he succumbs to his tiredness and falls asleep, only to wake up back in their bed with his boyfriend cuddling him.

mark understands. jobs can be time consuming.

his eyes start to close when the front door opens, hearing a singsongy "i'm home!" from donghyuck, who easily spots where his lover had seated himself on the couch.

there's a happy smile on his face, his eagerness to show mark his surprise obvious as he walked over to him. "markie, i brought you something."

mark's eyes fluttered open. "what?"

"you know that one bakery near my job?" he started, revealing the plastic container in hand with a cupcake inside as he kneeled down near mark. "i manage to stop by before it closed for the night. please take this as an apology for getting home so late."

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