waffles for breakfast⁶

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remembering all the stories he grew up consuming, renjun made sure to double check that his door was locked before going to sleep last night. he just had a bad feeling.

he thought about talking to jaemin again the next day. would he bite him again? then mrs. na as well... same goes for jeno, however. he's not off the hook either.

but he was thankful he would try to convince mrs. na to let him stay here. renjun will give jeno that.

he woke up that morning, letting out a yawn before rubbing sleep from his eyes. perhaps he should stay in his room most of the day and only leave when he needs to, like for food and drinks.

in fact, his stomach was rumbling.

renjun found his phone and texted donghyuck if they (including mark, of course) could meet up for breakfast again, but he didn't get a response.

he waited around for a few minutes. still no response. not even at least a 'read.' maybe donghyuck was busying doing something. renjun could think of one thing he was doing but he quickly shook the thought away — ew.

with no other choice, renjun left his flat for the cafeteria. there was no one there nor any food surprisingly.

he crept closer, hoping mrs. na would show up with some food for him to eat. instead, he got jeno leaving her office with a plate of two waffles.

"good morning," the vampire greeted him. "want one?"

"i am pretty fucking hungry," renjun retorted. "please."

"let me get you a plate," jeno said, turning around and heading back in. a minute later, he returned with an extra plate. he placed it down on the table in front of renjun and slid one of his waffles on it.

renjun immediately picked it up, taking a big bite out of it.

"about asking mrs. na to let you stay here," jeno started, watching the other hungrily eat. "she was really mad at me just because i asked, but she didn't give me a straight answer. maybe she'll change her mind."

"hm..." renjun took another bite of his nearly gone waffle, his hopes starting to drop. jeno sighed.

"if you do stay," he continued. "i'll make sure you don't get bitten again."

renjun looked at him. "really?"

"we drink animal blood anyways," jeno replied. "i won't bite you, mrs. na definitely won't, and i'll punch jaemin into next week if he does again. i promise."

renjun nodded slowly. "uh-uh."

"you want this waffle?" jeno asked, renjun eagerly nodding. he handed it to renjun, who devoured it just like that.


chenle and jisung only had two pictures from last night — the black blur and the dead snow-white rabbit.

"we can just hang them up here," chenle muttered, sticking the black blur picture onto the board with a thumbtack. "give me the other one."

jisung listened without a word, picking it up from the desk and handing to his senior, their fingers brushing. chenle just smiled at him before turning around to place it beside the first.

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