together forever¹⁷

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when chenle finally gets permission to search that building he and his now boyfriend stumbled upon, he could be at the conclusion of investigation.

he was trembling with curiosity, his thoughts whirling. what will they find? will they not find any evidence at all? would they even get permission in the first place?

the police officer could only cross his fingers and wait until jisung comes back with his answer.

chenle waited and waited, glancing at the screen of his computer and the board with the pictures on the wall. his fingers are going to get stuck in same crossed position if he keeps doing it for too long.

the door opened, revealing his boyfriend. there was a frown on his face as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

chenle stopping crossing his fingers, standing up to approach to jisung. "what did he say?" he asked eagerly.

"no," jisung answered with a shake of his head. "he seemed convinced that we're seeing things and it was just an animal killing them, not something else."

"damn it," chenle swore under his breath. "and we can't do without permission or we'll be in trouble."

"i know," jisung said softly, placing a hand on chenle's shoulder. "maybe if we get more proof and show him that, like the ones on the board, we'll be able to convince chief lee. i know it."

"yeah," chenle agreed, cupping jisung's face with his hands and kissing him. hard. "we won't let it get away, right?"

jisung nodded, read in the face. "we won't!"


renjun settled between jeno's spread legs again that morning, jaemin in front.

"let's just get over with so i can sleep again," renjun muttered with a yawn.

"so impatient," jeno muttered, using a hand to expose his shoulder, his preferred biting spot. before he could strike, jaemin reacted quickly, pulling the human into a kiss as to distract him.

it seemed to work somewhat, renjun responded, kissing back eagerly as he reached out his hands to grip onto the vampire's shirt tightly. soon, there was tongue involved.

jaemin tilted his head to another angle, grabbing onto the back of renjun's head with a hand.

jeno eventually finished, running his tongue over the new, fresh bite mark to lap up any blood starting to dribble out.

"you're really gonna make out in front of me?" jeno muttered, making jaemin and renjun break apart, letting them properly catch their breath.

"sorry," jaemin retorted. "my turn..."

renjun closed his eyes again, waiting to feel teeth pierce his skin. but instead he felt lips touch him, kissing down his neck slowly.

he gasped in surprise, his eyes fluttering open. he wasn't expecting that whatsoever.

they were slow and soft, an almost comforting thing until jaemin decided it was the perfect chance to finally bite down.

the brief moment of relief was gone as quickly as it came.


renjun woke up in the warm embrace in both vampires. it was nice, something that immediately made him smile. at the same time, he could still feel the tingles on his neck, left by jaemin's lips. if everything, he just smiled brighter at the thought.

he was always used to new thing in life and he could do it as long as he could for jeno and jaemin.

"i could do this forever," were the first words out of jeno's mouth once he woke up, his voice rather husky.

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