jealous feelings⁹

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jaemin woke up, removing the cover from his head to see the pull-out bed couch empty. for a moment, he wondered where jeno had gone, but he soon realised he needer no answer.

it was obvious.

with a huff, he threw the cover over his head again, forcing his eyes closed. maybe if it sleeps longer, he won't be jealous anymore.

he brought this upon himself and he was going to deal with it.


renjun will admit, he liked jeno quite a bit. he quickly found out he was actually kind of fun to be around.

first good thing was the fact that he didn't feel like a third wheel when he hung out with him. whenever renjun was with mark and donghyuck, as much as he loved his best friends, they tended to make him feel left out whenever they get all lovey dovey.

second, he provided the best waffles renjun has ever had. nowhere else he's gone had waffles that were just as perfectly fluffy as those ones.

third, he's a nice person and has a nice smile. though it seems hard to see any life in those black eyes, they're always shining brightly like they've got stars in them.

renjun was expecting jeno to come to his place with a plate of two waffles for them to eat, kinda like he was counting down on some imaginary timer in his head for someone to knock on the door.

knock knock

a smile immediately appeared on renjun's face. he got out of bed, happily walking over to open the door.

sure enough, jeno was there, this time with two plates with a pancake on each, holding the bottle of syrup with his mouth.

"really?" renjun said, sounding amused as he took the bottle in syrup in hand, letting the vampire speak.

"i didn't know how else to carry it," he admitted, walking into the flat to seat himself on the couch, placing the plates on the coffee table. "c'mon, i wanna eat."

"you had blood today right?" renjun asked cautiously, having turned around to face him again. jeno nodded.

"of course," he retorted, patting the open space next to him. "come on, renjun."

the same smile returned to his face as he gladly did so.


the day went by as slow as a snail making it's way across the forest floor. jaemin hadn't done anything the entire day other than hungrily down an entire bag of blood and curl up in a ball under the covers of his bed to sulk.

he still hidden when jeno finally comes back, in a rather good mood.

jaemin didn't pay any mind at first, happily keeping his eyes closed as he attempted to sleep for the fifth time that day, but the other vampire had to ruin it by pulling it off of him.

"there you, ya great lump," jeno said with a grin. "you're as still as a rock. literally."

jaemin didn't even bother to open his eyes. "go away."

"you can hang out with us, y'know," jeno went on, ignoring the other vampire's words. "no one said you couldn't."

"i'm just trying to avoid repeating the same mistake," jaemin looked at him this time. "so, piss off."

"you apologised and you can make it up more by actually controlling yourself," jeno argued. "stop being so damn sulky about it."

"i said piss off, jeno," jaemin hissed, his eyes flashing red. jeno let go of the covers, a frown adorning his face.

"damn okay then," his voice sounded cold. "that's on you. since you're on your period, i'll just hang out with renjun again."

"you can live with him for all i care!" jaemin snapped. "i don't give a shit who you hang out with."

"okay then..." jeno started, looking just about ready to press jaemin's buttons just to test him. "i don't think he's got a pull-out bed in his flat. what if we end up sharing his bed..?"

he was definitely implying something that jaemin caught right away.

at that, jaemin felt a burning feeling of jealousy building up in the pit of his stomach. he didn't like to imagine them sleeping together.

"just go to sleep or whatever and leave me alone or i'll give you a reason to fuck off," jaemin growled. jeno didn't look threatened — he just simply raised his eyebrows, the same frown remaining.

"a reason?" wasn't the right thing to say, so jeno didn't bother to reply and simply left to go back to renjun's flat, like he said he would.

jaemin totally didn't care. but his feelings said otherwise.


jisung was still extremely happy about yesterday's events. his senior confessed to actually liking him back. just the thought made his heart swell with cheerfulness.

he felt like he was walking on sunshine, high up on cloud nine and he could never fall down.

he hummed happily that night making the usual two sandwiches for him and his now sort of boyfriend. he hadn't exactly asked him to date him yet, but jisung can wait. knowing chenle liked him was enough at the moment.

when his senior came to pick him up, chenle greeted jisung with a kiss on the cheek, his just made his heart go crazy. he hoped he wasn't dreaming. if he was, someone just pinch him already.

once again, they returned to the same place to watch the forest. as it was like the other times, it was completely silent, the forest unmoving in the darkness.

"wait!" chenle suddenly said after several minutes had gone by. "i saw something."

jisung looked at the window on driver's side of the cop car, but before he knew it, the car was off and driving away.

"where are you going?" he asked, confused.

"following whatever the hell that was," the older responded, turning the corner. "i'm not letting it go."

jisung just looked at the person he admired.

they were heading to a part of the city he's never been to before, the usual tall, flashy buildings of the city nonexistent in this area. it seemed older, with a noticeable lack of buildings.

soon enough, a tall building came into view, standing above them. it was grey and rather dim looking. to jisung, it was something straight out of a horror movie.

chenle stopped the car suddenly, catching sight of the building himself. the dark figure he was following had gone inside of it, the door closing abruptly behind it. "huh..."

jisung made sure to snap a pic. this could help them a lot. he hoped.


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