animal blood³

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chenle didn't investigate on the count of it was probably other animals killing them, which make the most sense in his head. but the same woman came to him again the next morning with the same exact report.

"more dead animals?" chenle echoed, already a bit horrified at the thought. "excuse me? run that by me again, please."

"i found dead animals in the forest near my house," the woman repeated word for word. "all their blood is pretty much gone. i've been seeing 'em so often lately and it's botherin' me."

"are you sure it isn't just some animal killing them?" chenle asked. the woman shook her head.

"i said their blood was drained. ain't no animal around here able to do that," she corrected. "someone is killin' 'em, not some animal, officer."

chenle furrowed his eyebrows. "show me."


jeno licked his lips. he was thirsty. very thirsty.

he hadn't drank anything in a long time, feeling the uncomfortableness clawing at the pit of his stomach, complete with the dryness of his mouth.

"not my fault you turned down the rabbit blood," jaemin said, his eyes narrowed. "are you gonna go bug mrs. na for some? i know she got some more recently."

jeno nodded. "i'm so stupid."

"i know," jaemin agreed. "you can't handle your thirst. we been knew that," he sighed, getting out of the chair he was sitting on. "i'll get some blood from my abuela, alright? stay here."

jeno nodded again, more eagerly again. "please do."

jaemin had to go alone, leaving behind his so-called friend. it was the best idea, considering he just happened to see renjun leaving his room that morning.

thinking back to their conversation earlier in the day, a thirsty jeno wouldn't hesitate to jump on him and sink his teeth into him.

"good morning!" jaemin burst out, making renjun look at him.

"good morning," renjun retorted to be polite.

"where you headed?" jaemin asked, walking a bit closer to help the conversation going.

there was no point in lying. "out to get breakfast with my friends," renjun answered, grabbing onto one of the drawstrings of his sweatshirt. "i guess i should ask what about you?"

"nowhere," jaemin responded, which technically wasn't wrong since he wasn't leaving the building. "you have fun."

renjun's lips just turned a straight line. "you too. see you around."

"see you around," jaemin, compared to renjun, was actually smiling. he waved at him as he turned to leave, renjun just raising a hand before entering the staircase.

the vampire watched him go, sniffing the air. he did smell good.

no, jaemin, he thought with a shake of his head. don't be a hypocrite.

he pushed ahead, heading over to mrs. na's office and knocking on the door. it took a few moments before the door opened, revealing the very short woman.

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