a painful past¹⁹

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"oh! jaemin!" came jeno's voice from behind renjun, who was also red in the face. he happily wrapped his arms around the human's waist. "glad you came to join us."

jaemin didn't really know what to say.

before he would really process what was going on, the door behind jaemin was closed and his back was pressed onto it, renjun now pressing against his chest.

jeno's arms moved from the human's bare waist so his hands could be on the door on either side of jaemin's head.

jaemin's sworn he's pictured something like this before, but renjun still had a shirt on. he still couldn't form any words to say — he was basically rendered speechless. jeno chuckled.

"you haven't drank, so go ahead," he muttered, brushing his lips over renjun's shoulder. "go on."

"but..." jaemin managed to say, his face still very much red. "have you gone...?"

"why does it matter?" renjun was the one who spoke instead of jeno. he had that exasperated tone again. "just bite me already."

"okay..." jaemin replied. his eyes focused on the love bites that stood out greatly against the human's skin, out there for everyone to see.

no fair, jeno.

but it's his fault for being mad over his and jeno's argument.

he leaned forward, kissing down renjun's neck before striking. he closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. there was comforting kisses from jeno, but it hardly helped whatsoever.


"hey renjun, do you still wanna be a vampire?"

renjun really didn't want jeno to ask that. jaemin looked at jeno, but it wasn't a glare thankfully. he had nothing to say — for now.

but renjun panicked anyways. the last thing he wanted as to get caught up between another one of their arguments.

"let's not bring that up-"

"but i was just curious," jeno went on, looking right at jaemin for a reaction. "honestly, if you want it-"

"jeno, vampire life isn't the best," jaemin hissed. there it is. "i hoped you would've convinced him to drop it."

"are you thicker than a pig's skin, jaemin?" jeno retorted, keeping a fairly calm tone. "you clearly know i didn't and i never will. i'm fully down with it."

"why?" jaemin asked, moving to prop himself up on his hands and knees on the bed so he could lean closer to jeno's face, right in front of renjun.

"because if he wants it, he wants it."

"well, he shouldn't!" jaemin shot back.

"give jun a reason then," jeno said, his eyes not bothering to flash red, staying that same black colour. "go on, give renjun a reason other than a diet change."

jaemin's eyes still met the other vampire's. "my parents won't have abandoned me if i wasn't born one!"

silence followed. renjun didn't expect to hear that...

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