at the same time¹¹

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"he what?"

jaemin couldn't believe this ears. he was sure he didn't hear that right. well, a part of him hoped he didn't. but jeno had his blood for the day, so it couldn't have been from losing control.

"he let me," jeno repeated. "to help mrs. na out. he said you can too."

"well, i won't," jaemin retorted lowly, though it seemed inviting.

plus, why should only jeno be allowed to? a voice in the back of his head hissed, the same feeling of jealousy starting to rise in the pit of his stomach.

"oh," jeno said. "okay. i'll go check on him, he said he felt a bit woozy."

"he didn't pass out?" jaemin said in surprise. jeno nodded.

"i didn't drink enough to make him go unconscious," he answered before turning around and leaving the flat they shared.

their conversation hung around in jaemin's mind for the rest of the day, debating whether he should do it too to keep refusing to. but after picturing a vivid image of jeno biting renjun's neck, he gave in.


the sun was peaking out through the curtains to jaemin's annoyance, since the sun just made him irritated and hot to the point he feels like he could melt.

he rolls onto his side facing away from the window, hoping he could sleep longer before something or someone forces him awake.

soon enough, something did wake him up. the usual uncomfortable morning thirst. his eyes opened, jaemin opening his mouth as if it would ease the needy feeling.

he would go get blood from mrs. na's office, but he remembered the decision he made out of pure jealousy yesterday — renjun.

that's all he ended up in front of his door again. he knocked once, taking a deep breath before two it two more times.

it took a few moments, but soon renjun opened the door. "hey."

"hi," jaemin breathed, his heart starting to beat faster. he swears this nervous the first time they talked, but he sure is now.

the human let him in, closing the door behind him. jeno was already there as expected, giving him a glare. jaemin decided glaring back as the best option instead of ignoring him.

"i already know the reason you're here," renjun commented, referring to jaemin. "who's going first?"

he didn't expect the childish argument to follow afterwards. jeno claiming he should because he was here first while the other vampire was searching for any excuse to counter that.

jeno had stood by now, looking ready to jump jaemin when renjun got between them, grabbing them both by the ear and tugging their heads down.

"here's a solution," he started. "why don't you bite me at the same time?"

"you'll pass out again," jaemin countered, sounding concerned for that possibility.

"it's the only way to get you two to shut up," renjun let go of their ears, letting jeno rub his ear with a pained expression. "c'mon."

he walked off towards his bed. jeno gave jaemin a look, his hand still covering his poor ear. "renjun decided, so let's go with it."

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