he bites¹³

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jeno sank his teeth into his shoulder, renjun tensing up as he eyes closed tightly due to the pain. his hands were on either side of renjun's torso.

renjun gripped the sheets tightly in his hands, hoping it would over soon enough, but he then realised he'll have to endure jaemin biting him too. damn it. i brought this upon myself.

soon enough, jeno licked up all the blood dribbling out like before and he was finished.

"are you okay? do you feel light-headed?" jeno asked right afterwards. of course renjun did.

"yeah," his eyes opened again. "i'll lay down."

"okay," jeno nodded. "i'll bring you a waffle, alright?"

"thanks," renjun shot him a smile. that's when jeno placed his hand on the back of his head.

"here's to make you feel better," he muttered, pecking renjun's forehead — exactly what the human did to him yesterday night.

renjun's face went red, jeno catching sight of his shocked facial expression when he pulled away.

"rest, alright?" the vampire patted his head before getting off the bed and leaving the room, leaving a flustered renjun behind.


jaemin had no idea where his new feelings came from. whenever he was around renjun, he felt warm and that he had to worry over him and make sure he's okay. whenever jeno mentions being with renjun, he immediately get jealous.

there was only one answer to that question but jaemin just didn't want to admit it.

as usual, the uncomfortable, unbearable thirst was clawing at his stomach. so, jaemin went for renjun's room, with hopes jeno had left.

he knocked on the door of renjun's flat three times, eventually getting an answer. there stood renjun in the doorway, waffle in hand.

the collar of his shirt was moved aside, showing off his shoulder with a fresh new bite mark, the colour an angry red.

"hurry up and get it over with," was the first thing renjun said. he moved aside, letting jaemin in before closing the door.

"well, not yet," jaemin said, despite his thirst. "how are you feeling?"

"fine," renjun shrugged. "shoulder's a bit sore, that's all."

"good," the vampire's worry relaxed and faded away. "i would promise i won't make you pass out again, but jeno already drunk from you."

"eh, at this point i don't care," renjun muttered. "c'mon."

jaemin shifted awkwardly. "are you sure you don't want to sit down or— ?"

"just do it," renjun huffed. jaemin hesitated for a moment but went with it anyways. instead of biting him right then, he let out a deep breath, placing a hand on renjun's soft cheek.

for a few, quiet moments, their eyes met. the two of them just looked at each other, the pace of jaemin's beating heart starting to increase in speed.

the same warmness of his heart returned in full force.

until renjun broke the silence. "are you going to bite me or keep staring into my soul?"

he was clearly flustered but was trying to hide that fact.

"oh, yeah." jaemin chuckled awkwardly. "bite you."

so he did, sinking his fangs into his neck, tasting the familiar sweet taste of renjun's blood on his tongue.


it was chenle who suggested he and jisung go out to eat together, saying it was his treat. jisung happily agreed, hoping it would be today when his senior asks him that question he'll love to hear. but he shouldn't rush it. he can be patient.

wearing his best casual clothes and satchel, he made sure to get there on time. chenle was already waiting there at the front of the restaurant.

he was wearing a simple sweater and jeans and looked great doing so. well, he looked great in everything to the younger.

(well, jisung could infer he looked great in everything since he's only ever really seen chenle in his uniform.)

"hey," chenle greeted him before placing a kiss on his cheek, making his junior blush. "you look good."

"thank you, hyung," jisung retorted with a shy smile. "you too."

"why thank you sung," chenle grinned while holding out his hand for jisung to hold, which he gladly did. "c'mon."

the restaurant was nice, but nowhere near what people would call 'expensive.' it had nice paintings decorating every single open wall that wasn't a window. the pair got a window seat thankfully, a beautiful view of the city in the distance.

jisung couldn't help but look outside, seeing the sun set behind the tall buildings, turning the sky a beautiful mixture of various shades of orange. it was something you'd take a picture of and appreciate the beauty of it later.

"it's really beautiful, isn't it?" chenle commented, his elbow on the table as he rested his chin on his palm. he was looking at the window before looking across the table at jisung.

"yeah..." he retorted softly. "it really is beautiful."

"but look at you," chenle said in response, making a flustered jisung look back at him. "i will say i'm thankful for you spending time with me and helping me investigate."

"oh, it's nothing," jisung muttered. "i don't mind helping you, chenle."

"then," chenle moved his palm from his chin to place his hand over jisung's. "would you mind being my boyfriend?"

the answer was obvious. "o-of course i don't mind!"


jeno ended up back in renjun's flat that night, snuggled up against the other in his bed. hands happily around his waist, keeping him close while his head rested on his chest.

renjun simply ran his hands through the vampire's dark hair, which slowly helped the other fall asleep.

"jun, i like being with you," jeno admitted softly, his eyes still closed as he adjusted where his head was on the human's chest.

"oh..." renjun's cheeks were pink. "i like you being with you too, best fluffy waffle supplier."

jeno chuckled. "good night."

"good night."

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