feeling woozy²¹

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yangyang's arm was caught in her mouth as he raised it to block her from biting his neck, her sharp fangs sinking into his skin.

he wasn't expecting the sudden hit of pain that hit him like some wave, making him want to jerk his arm free so it would end.

eventually, he managed to knee her in the stomach, making her jerk her head away with a hiss of pain.

as quickly as the vampire came, she left, leaving yangyang to clutch onto his now bleeding arm.

"scheiße," he hissed under his breath, pulling away his fingers to see them covered in blood. but the man was still injured. "sir?"

he was still laying there.

"sir, hold on, i'll help you," he opened his bag, seeing the white box he's always got in there. you never know when you could witness someone getting hurt or get yourself hurt, so it's always a good idea to have it just in case for minor injures.

just as he ran over so he could properly cover up the bite, he paused for a moment, closing his eyes.

it felt as if he was going to pass out.


chenle knocked on the door of the office, waiting for a few moments before he heard a, "come in!" from the inside.

with a deep sigh, he made himself look presentable enough for the chief. he always felt an urge to look good and impress his boss the best way he could.

he reached out a hand and opened the door, entering inside. there in the chair behind the desk, was the chief.

chief lee taeyong.

"oh, officer zhong?" he said, sounding amused. "now you've come to convince some "monster" is killing poor animals?" he made quotation marks with his fingers. "yah, i know you're not. what is it?"

"about the two recent attacks," chenle reached up to rub the bite mark on his neck that was covered by a bandaid still — a new one jisung had given him this morning. "i think they were the same person."

"you do?" chief lee tilted his head to the side curiously. "elaborate."

"well, a witness said they recognised them," chenle went on. "they were pale skinned, had really long black hair, and black eyes. oh! and sharp teeth."

"witnesses of the first attack said the same thing," chief lee said thoughtfully. "but, until we get a good enough picture, i can't go around saying that for sure. we can't accidentally arrest the wrong person."

"yes, of course," chenle bowed his head. "thank you for listening to me."

"no need for all that," chief lee waved his hand. "at this point, we need everything to put us on the right track to catching this — what's the right word? — attacker. i'll have this idea in consideration."

"mhm," chenle bowed before leaving the office. it went better than expected.


yangyang walked into the break room, a hand on his forehead. someone else suggested he'd take a quick break for a bit since he looked off and could hardly focus during work, like he was going to doze off any moment.

he thought the woozy feeling would've gone away already, but it persisted.

"this vending machine never works," came a voice, sounding really frustrated.

"it hardly ever works, lucas," said a softer one. "if you're so hungry, i'll treat you to lunch later."

"you'd really do that?" lucas said, his mood immediately improving.

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