between them both¹⁵

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as soon as jaemin saw jeno again, he had to ask him about the kiss from earlier. he had so many questions that needed answers.

he walked into their shared flat and jaemin sprung. "why did you kiss me earlier?"

jeno grinned. "isn't it obvious? to get you to shut up."

"that can't be the only reason," jaemin hissed. "there's other ways to get me to shut up that doesn't involve kissing me."

"but it worked," jeno shrugged, moving to walk past him but the other stopped him. "what?"

"be honest," jaemin pressed. "why did you kiss me?"

before he knew it, his back was against the door, jeno's arms caging him right in place. his face was too close again.

"fine, i'll be honest," his voice was low. "i like you, jaemin. and yet," his eyes slid down to jaemin's parted lips. "i like renjun too."

he placed a short kiss on the corner of his mouth, the other vampire freezing. "now i wonder, is it possible to have you both?"

jaemin hardly had time to process what he said when jeno's lips are on his once more, soft against his. it takes a moment, but...

he kisses him back.

he reaches up his arms to wrap around jeno's neck, as in an attempt to pull him closer. it's strange how at one point he was willing to punch the shit out of jeno and now he's kissing him.

eventually, jeno pulled away, his breath fanning over jaemin's ear. "what if renjun was here?"

jaemin's breath hitched, his tone a bit confused. "what?"

jeno kisses his neck before whispering again, his voice sending shivers up his spine. "what if renjun was here? don't you like him too?"

the other wasn't sure how jeno found it, perhaps he just figured it. but the idea of renjun just happening to be there seemed almost tempting.

"or even better," jeno went on with a suggestive tone. "like the time he was right between us? wouldn't you like that?"

"shit," jaemin breathed. he could picture that in his head, jeno in the back pressing against renjun, who has to be right against his own chest, giving him a desperate look.

"me too, jaemin, me too," jeno retorted before lowering his arms from the door. the whole mood changed once he let out a yawn. "let's go to sleep, i'm tired."

"huh? o-okay," jaemin replied, a bit taken aback how jeno went from 'pretty damn seducing' to 'i'm tired' in the span of a single second.

they slept in jaemin's bed that night, basically cuddling each other. so, they ended making up in a rather... interesting way.


renjun was admittedly disappointed when he didn't hear the usual three knocks on his door. jeno wasn't coming that night.

he's gotten used to the heavy weight of jeno laying on his legs with his head on his lap and arms around his waist.

but he'll see him tomorrow, right?

he slept that night, alone, and woke up that morning, well, alone. renjun took the chance to change into a simple t-shirt that wasn't oversized and old pair of football shorts.

well, he was just pulling his shorts up his legs when he heard three knocks, a sound he's way too used to hearing at this point.

renjun hurried to pull the black shorts up entirely before heading for the door. he ended up tripping over his own feet and falling stomach first to the floor.

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