a saviour²³

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"shit," was all renjun could say under his breath, the same panicked feeling returning. he pressed his back against the brick harder, as if it was going to make him disappear into the shadows.

"again," she spoke, her voice just making everything worse. "it won't hurt long, prey. i only bite once."

she approached slowly, a sickening grin spreading across her pale face. turning his head towards the forest, he let out a deep breath. it was his best bet at the moment.

renjun ran with that annoying limp — damn you, jeno and jaemin! — into the forest, hoping he'll lose her.

there was no point in calling for help. there wasn't anyone nearby.

running into the thick collection of tall, dark trees didn't seem to help. her sense of smell was too great, every step she took bringing her closer to the poor human.

"i said it won't take long," her loud voice rang out, her tone reminding him of a snake as a human. "i can still smell you, prey."

renjun wished he could just scream out for jeno and jaemin, but he knew they couldn't hear him, no matter how loud he called their names.

not paying attention, his foot hit a tree root making him fall over onto the ground, sending his phone a few feet away from him.

"shit!" he swore, hearing footsteps grow nearer then stop. he turned around to see the woman looming over him, shooting him a toothy grin.

"i never had to chase my meal before," the woman chuckled. "let's just get it over with."

before she could pounce, she froze, looking in front of her. renjun looked in the direction as well, seeing a man pointing a gun at her.

"fuck off, hayoon," he said. "leave him alone."

"i'm thirsty," the woman — hayoon — hissed. "i need to drink."

"and?" the man lowered the gun. "you can drink from an animal. scram!"


"you've already gone around attacking humans out in public, dumb-arse, you're bound to get caught soon," the man went on, pointing to the side with the hand that still held his shotgun. "some animal blood won't kill you. scram or i will kill you instead."

"you know it takes a lot to kill me," she growled.

"no shits given, blood-sucker," he retorted simply. "get a move on or," he raised his gun again. "i'm shooting your bitch arse."

hayoon just bared her teeth at him before running off, disappearing into the trees. renjun felt like he could finally breathe properly.

"aiyah, she's fucking annoying," the man held out a hand. "you've got to be careful around here."

"i know now," renjun huffed, letting the guy help him up. "thanks for helping me."

"eh, it's nothing," he shrugged. "you're new here. the name's hendery, by the way."


"nice to meet you newbie," hendery went on to say. "now, you've got to get out of here. hayoon may just show her arse back here again if i leave."

"okay," renjun nodded. "bye."

"hope the next time we meet, it's not a similar situation," he muttered before turning on his heel and leaving.

"not even a bye at least?" renjun looked confused but didn't pay it any mind and quickly got his sore arse out of there. well, not before quickly grabbing his now dirty phone.

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