renjun wakes up⁵

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"what the fuck did you do?"

there was no point in lying with the evidence right there for jaemin's abuela to see. "i-i bit him. i didn't mean to-"

"if you were thirsty, you shouldn't have been around him!" mrs. na hissed. "you're no better than jeno!"

jaemin flinched. "listen, lo siento-"

"sorry doesn't change anything, so save it," mrs. na went on angrily, placing the tray down loudly before walking over to pull renjun away from jaemin, who decided to hold onto him as his head lolled forward. "let go, jaemin."

"no, what are you going to do to him?" he asked carefully. "you aren't gonna-"

"what do you think i'm going to do?" mrs. na hissed, muttering an insult in spanish under her breath than jaemin caught but didn't comment on, deciding to just look offended instead. "i'll let him rest in his room and i'll explain everything when he wakes up. our best bet is that he decides to not live here anymore, since now i know it was a dangerous idea letting him stay here."

jaemin felt his heart fall. he really liked renjun already and he blew it. "i'll take him back, abuela. i won't do anything else, i promise."

mrs. na's eyes narrowed but she didn't protest, letting jaemin pick up the unconscious human bridal style and carry him to his flat. his abuela had to come over and unlock it before heading back into the office again, muttering more things in spanish under her breath, closing the door behind her.

jaemin walked in, seeing the place for the first time — he hadn't changed it one bit, except for the laptop on the once empty desk. the walls still remained white and plain as they always were, the light from outside giving the room light.

"huh," jaemin muttered before making his way to renjun's bed, placing him down on it. he looked so peaceful with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep and not been bitten. the bite mark was still red, contrasting greatly against the rest of his skin.

the blood that has dribbled out formed two small streams down the side of his neck, dark red and smelling rather inviting. jaemin reached up with a hand to pinch his nose. "no, no, you already fucked up once, estúpido."

the vampire gave renjun once last glance before leaving, closing the door softly behind him.


the first thing renjun felt when he woke up was a painful headache. a hand went up to touch his forehead as he started to squint from the pain.

"damn it," he hissed, taking a moment to realise where he was. how did he end up back in his flat? last time he checked, he was in the cafeteria with jaemin.

before he bit him.

then he blacked out. that's all he remembered, even then it was a bit fuzzy. with a sigh, he closed his eyes, hoping the pain would just fade away eventually as his thoughts ran wild.

jaemin's a vampire? an actual vampire? holy fucking shit, he took blood from me!

it just made his head hurt more than anything else. he didn't really fall asleep, the pain keeping him awake.

renjun turned onto his side, making a face as he tried to sleep again. but he couldn't relax enough to do so. he turned onto his right side, trying to do the same, yet it didn't work.

when he opened his eyes again, he saw the door of his flat open, revealing jeno. "just came to check on you. how are you feeling?"

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