lee jeno²

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chenle walked into the police station that day, letting out a wide-mouthed yawn. he didn't sleep the best last night, with constant tossing and turning as he tried to get comfortable, only to stay up the rest of the night.

not bothering to greet his co-workers, he headed straight for the break room for a cup of coffee before he does his daily patrol around this part of the city.

officer park jisung was already there, turning around to catch sight of the older and instantly going pink in the face before turning around to face the coffee machine again.

"good morning, officer park," chenle mumbled, how tired he was evident in his voice. "can you hurry up and finish now?"

"s-sorry about that," jisung stammered, grabbing onto the cup after the machine was done pouring coffee in it. he turned around, smiling nervously at his senior. "i-i just happened to make the coffee you usually do... you can have this."

he held it out and bowed his head, as if he was some school girl confessing to her crush with a letter. chenle smiled. cute.

"thank you," he gladly took it, taking a quick sip of the warm liquid. he needed this.

jisung turned back around to grab another mug for himself, mouthing 'yes!' to himself. maybe be could've been more confident, but chenle didn't seem awkward as well or anything at least!

chenle was quick to finish up his coffee made by his junior before heading out for the day, walking along the sidewalk and giving half-hearted 'good morning's to citizens he swore to protect. it was going smoothly until a young woman came to him with a report of several dead animals she found.


jaemin closed the door of his flat behind him, wiping off the rest of the animal blood. "fucking hell, that was dumb."

he probably just gave the human the impression that he chugs hot sauce daily or something.

that new guy — renjun — was clearly a human. he sure smelled like one. what was his abuela thinking, letting him live here?

"you did something wrong again, didn't you?" came a voice. jaemin looked up, seeing the fellow vampire he shared a flat with — lee jeno. just as pale as jaemin and just as dark haired. they are friends, if you could even consider their relationship that. it's more of "we're both vampires who need blood to live so let's help each other out" kind of relationship.

"no," jaemin shook his head. "it's just the new guy abuela mentioned is a human."

"really?" jeno muttered. "does he smell good?"

"that's the first thing that comes to your mind?" jaemin said, sounding almost disappointed. "i thought we agreed on only animal blood."

"yeah..." jeno stuck out this tongue. "animal blood isn't as sweet as a human's."

"and? the only thing that matters is the fact i probably gave him the impression i drink hot sauce and hiding the fact we're vampires," jaemin retorted, hearing jeno laugh.

"what the hell did you do to make him think that?" he asked, his eyes shining with amusement. jaemin didn't even bother to answer that.


renjun landed on his bed, not sure what else to do. he tried playing some computer games on his laptop, but his boredom grew worse.

then, he tried looking for his sketchbook but came to conclusion he accidentally left it behind at his friends' house. he'd have to go back for it tomorrow.

third, watching tv. but it hardly worked.

so all renjun could do until he went out from dinner pretty much was take a nap to past the time. his eyes started to close as his body relaxed when he heard someone knock on his door. with a sigh, he heaved his body off his bed and headed over to answer the door, seeing the little old mrs. na.

"hello," he said politely. "what is it?"

"ah, i made some pizza for dinner and i was hoping you'd come to the cafeteria for some," she said cheerfully, showing off those two particularly sharp teeth again. they were almost like a wolf's teeth.

"sure, i am hungry," he answered. pizza did some really appetising at the moment. she beamed every brighter, if that was possible.

"ah, ¡vámonos niño!" she said, turning around and heading towards the cafeteria with a gesture of her hand. renjun followed, the smell of pizza growing stronger in the air. when they reached said area, he saw jaemin already wolfing down a slice, sitting next to someone he didn't recognise. his other new neighbour most likely.

mrs. na glanced at one of the two pizza dishes, a frown suddenly appearing on her kind face. her head snapped around to look at jaemin, her eyes flashing red. "jaemin! how many have you eaten?"

jaemin looked up, his cheeks puffed due to the food. he managed to utter out, "¡lo siento, abuela! i'm so hungry..." he swallowed. "i barely ate today."

using his limited knowledge of spanish, jaemin called mrs. na his grandmother. were they related somehow?

mrs. na huffed, turning back to renjun. "sorry about him. he has an appetite. that's na jaemin, by the way."

"we've met," rejun quickly said, mrs. na nodding.

"ah..." she mumbled. "well, he's..." he pointed a small finger to the second male sitting at the table next to jaemin, who had gone back to eating his pizza. "...lee jeno."

jeno looked up at the sound of his name, looking in the direction of mrs. na before catching sight of renjun.

jaemin didn't say the human was very much attractive.

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