the perfect moment¹⁶

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"fucking shit!"

mrs. na's poor ears managed to pick up the noise of renjun yelling, as if he was in pain. of course, she was concerned.

maybe she should check in on him.


renjun expected his mind to go blank before he passed out, but he didn't this time. the pain in his neck and thigh lessened. in confusion, he opened his eyes.

looking down, there was jaemin, still there between his legs. he hadn't met his eyes and simply eyeing the bite mark on his leg, blood starting to dribbling out from the two holes.

jeno had stopped biting as well, placing a kiss on the new mark. "you're so damn pretty..."

renjun shivered at the feeling of his lips against his skin. jaemin took notice of what jeno was doing, trailing kisses down from the bite to his shoulder, hooking a finger under the collar of his shirt to pull it aside and mouth at his shoulder, grazing his sharp, blood-stained teeth over it.

he wanted to make renjun give the same reaction.

focusing back on his thighs that flinched every new kiss jeno left, he started to do the same, tasting more blood. renjun let out a gasp and triumphantly he thought, fuck yes!

before he could start leaving several, knocks at the door had to ruin it. "is everything alright in there?"

jaemin paused. "uh..."

"she probably heard you," jeno whispered into renjun's ear. "go on, tell her."

"yes! everything's a-okay!" renjun called back.

"are you sure? you sounded like you were in pain," mrs. na went from outside.

"yes, i just accidentally- shit," renjun cut himself off. jeno decided it was a great time to start mouthing at his mouth again, just barely scraping his sharp teeth over the skin, already marked from previous bitings. "i just accidentally stubbed my toe! yeah! that's all!"

jaemin kisses his thigh again.

"oh, that sounds dreadful, niño," mrs. na commented, sounding sympathetic. renjun was growing frustrated — why won't she leave already?

"yeah, my toe still hurts," renjun's voice went a pitch higher at jeno actually nipping him. the vampire chuckled at his reaction. he was enjoying this.

jaemin was less of a problem, simply just admiring the human's thighs for whatever reason.

"well, i hope it feels better soon," mrs. na spoke again. after hearing her footsteps start up and fade away, the three knew for sure she was gone.

"i hate you," renjun made sure to elbow said vampire sitting behind him the best he could, earning a laugh from him.


donghyuck fiddled around with the small black box in his pants pocket, growing more nervous by the second.

what would he say? would he fuck up and embarrass him? would mark not even say yes?

perhaps he should just take the chance and ask him. then, an idea came to his head. when they got back to the room, donghyuck suggested mark go to the hotel pool.

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