peaceful times²⁴

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taeyong slowly entered the room, his heart beating loudly in his chest. he hardly believe his ears, but he wanted to.

he took one look of officer jung sitting up in the bed, and immediately went over to pull him into a tight hug.

tears started to fall down his cheeks. "how the fuck are you alive, jaehyun?"

he pulled away to see his face.

"i dunno," the other police officer retorted. "i'm just as shocked." he noticed the sudden shock written all over chief lee's face. "what? is something wrong?"

"you..." his voice trailed off.

he swears jaehyun was never that pale before. or had black eyes. no other colour — just black. and there was a new addition of two sharp, knife-like teeth in his mouth.

taeyong motioned to his own mouth. "your teeth..."

"my teeth?" jaehyun echoed, touching his own. "my mouth does feel sore... wait, was my tooth always this sharp?"

he looked like her.

"you... look like her," was all taeyong could say. but it felt wrong to assume he'd be like her, attacking people by biting any part of them she could reach.

"i'm like her?" jaehyun burst out. "do you mean she turned me into her?"

"yes..." taeyong said bluntly.

"then, you should go," officer jung went on. "or i'll bite you or something."

"you don't know that," taeyong said suddenly. maybe his feelings for him was making him go dumb. "you won't be like her."

"you sound so sure of that, chief lee," jaehyun commented, sounding rather sad.

"i will try- no, i will make sure you don't," taeyong said firmly. "there has to be a way."


"did you hear that officer jung is leaving?" yuta brought up, making the other two police officers look at him.

they were thankfully shocked that jaehyun had somehow came back to life and would gladly see their fellow officer back at work, but turns out they never will.

the break room was empty, only the trio being the ones there.

"why wouldn't we?" ten muttered.

"why though?" johnny said at the same time.

"i dunno," yuta shrugged. "there wasn't a reason. chief said it was personal."

"then, it isn't our business," ten shrugged. "maybe he's leaving after what happened. but again, it's not our place to know."

"yeah..." johnny then decided to change the topic, now really only talking to the man beside him. "y'know, there's this new pub that opened up recently. ever just wanna go out for drinks after work some time?"

"hmm..." ten pursed his lips. "why not? i have nothing else to do after work."

"i'm down too," yuta chirped happily.

"not you," johnny said with a blank face.

seeing the sudden crestfallen look on yuta's face, ten mouthed a "sorry" in his direction, but he wasn't sure if the other saw it.

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