surprise attack²²

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renjun felt two pairs of lips trailing down his neck, the kisses slow and soft. it was admittedly making him impatient almost, each touch against any other part of his body making that spot burn.

there's a certain feeling in the air. it's overwhelming as his breath hitches, feeling a hand slip onto his inner thigh.

breath fans over his ear, a voice sounding, "are you sure you can take us both?"

jeno said it. of course he did, why wouldn't he? it's hard to answer with words, since none seemed to come out, rolling off his tongue easily like they should.

"yes," he manages to utter out after what felt like ages had gone by, feeling his collarbone starting to get attacked by jaemin.

teeth just barely grazing his skin. teasingly. jeno's hands sliding down his chest before slipping under his shirt.

he hears a deep chuckle from jeno and suddenly renjun felt a bit worried about the aftermath in the morning.


mark nervously watched the news, paying close attention to the reporter's every word. nothing about more people getting bitten came up, but you never know.

his worry for renjun only increased, and the fact that he hadn't responded to any of his text messages just worsened it.

maybe he was acting like some overly concerned mum. he most likely alright, completely fine and unhurt, but it didn't do anything to ease his current feelings.

"good morning, my beautiful future husband!" donghyuck sang out, entering the kitchen. it thankfully cut his fiancé out of his thoughts.

"good morning, sunshine," mark turned his head to shoot him a smile.

"you look upset, what's the problem?" donghyuck continued singing, as if they were in some musical mark didn't know about. he could almost vaguely hear the instrumental playing faintly in the background.

"well..." mark glanced back at the tv. donghyuck quickly put two and two together. "i can't look away from the news these days."

donghyuck wanted to say 'renjun says he's fine' in the snappiest way possible, but his urge to comfort his fiancé won over.

"i know, it does suck," donghyuck started softly, grabbing his phone and unplugging it from the charger and putting on a slow song. he had an idea he hoped would cheer him up.

mark gave him a look with raised eyebrows. "perfect by ed sheeran?"

"what? you might hear it playing some day," donghyuck replied. mark caught on to what he was alluding to and smiled, hearing the song softly playing in the background.

"or..." mark thought for a moment. "feel special, because you make me feel special."

"smooth," donghyuck grinned, thinking of another song. "you know i fancy you."

mark giggled, standing up. "let's dance the night away then. well, morning away."

donghyuck placed his phone back on the kitchen counter, placing his hands on mark's hips as he brought up his arms to wrap around his neck.

they slowly swayed to the music, their silence letting the song play without any noise over it.

but soon, mark's back half met the counter, donghyuck's forehead meeting his. his breath hitched, feeling a certain feeling in the air.

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