they find out²⁰

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chenle tried his best to push the attacker off but to no avail, his head whirling with panic. frozen in shock, jisung could only stand there.

the pain was unbearable, like someone had stabbed him twice right at the same time.

but after what felt like ages, the attacker finally pulled away, letting chenle fall to the ground. that's when jisung was able to move again, running over to check on his boyfriend.

"shit, lele," jisung mumbled, his hands shaking seeing the bite mark on the older's neck. "are you okay? i should've-"

"i'm fine," chenle said. "i just feel really light-headed..."

jisung moved his hand onto his neck and pulled it away, seeing a bit of blood on his palm. even if chenle seemed to have calmed down, he was still panicking.

"where did they go?" chenle asked.

jisung looked up. all he could see were people who looked confused and terrified at what just happened. "they got away. but i need to get you help, you're bleeding..."

"yah, i'm fine, it's fine," chenle placed a hand on his forehead. "but shit. i should've caught them."

"i should've warned you," jisung said afterwards, but much more quieter. chenle moved himself, propping himself up on his elbows.

"what did they look like?" chenle went on, completely ignoring his words. "they had black hair, right? that was really long and they had really pale skin..."

you're bleeding and that's your biggest concern? jisung sighed. right at that moment, someone came over with a first aid kit in hand, pushing past the slowly thinning crowd.

"hey, does he need assistance or— ?" the young man asked.

chenle opened his mouth to answer, but jisung cut him off with a nod and, "yes. he got bit."

"okay," he opened the first aid kit quickly, pulling out a wipe to clean the bite, still dribbling blood.

"i said i was fine, sung," chenle mumbled, but jisung huffed.

"i care about you too much to the point i'll let you bleed out like this," he retorted, though part of that sentence seemed like overreacting. "thank you — ?"

"yangyang," the other replied, wiping off the blood, which turned the once white wipe dark red. "no problem. i'm a part-time nurse, so handling things like this isn't new to me."

"hm," jisung hummed.

"by the way," yangyang went on. "that woman looks familiar. wasn't she the one who bit that other woman awhile back?"

he looked at jisung, who looked back.

"you really think?"

"i mean, i didn't see her face close up or anything, but her appearance looks really familiar," yangyang answered, reaching for a bandaid. "i could be wrong but the attack did happen near the park. like, scarily close by."

jisung didn't say anything back for a few moments, taking in everything the nurse had said.

"the exact same?" chenle spoke up, rubbing the bandaid now on his neck.

"yep," yangyang nodded, closing the kit. "long, black hair, pale skin, black eyes, and sharp teeth. she might be those vampires you see in movies or something."

"vampires..." chenle echoed thoughtfully. "anyways, she looked exactly like that."

"so, it could be the same attacker then," yangyang muttered, saying the obvious. "and it was a good thing you did back there, saving her."

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