a new problem¹⁰

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another picture was attached to the board, just under the first and only one taken of the blur. chenle was giving it a thoughtful look, jisung looking himself from where he stood near the desk. even the picture of the building gave jisung a bad feeling.

though, the answer they were looking for was so obvious, right there in their faces. someone just needed to point it out.

"maybe it's the blur's hideout," jisung suggested after putting thought into it. "or, it's just staying there to get away from us." chenle turned around to face him. "all we need is an excuse to go searching there."

"of course... that's makes sense," chenle said slowly. obviously, he knew the answer, but kept quiet as if he wanted jisung to say it instead. it just gave him an excuse to kiss his junior on the lips for a second time and sing the most basic of praise. "good job!"

jisung was a cheesing, blushing mess nonetheless, his hand reaching up to cover his mouth.

"now we just need a search warrant," chenle went on, holding out a hand. jisung gladly held it.


"i don't think i can go out tonight," mrs. na was telling jaemin in her office. "esos malditos policías me siguieron."

"the police followed you?" jaemin echoed, a frown appearing on his face. "at least we have enough to last us a good while. we'll be fine."

"por ahora," mrs. na, clearly angry. "what happens in the future when we're all out of animal blood? renjun's still here."

"cálmate, abuela," jaemin muttered. "calm down. let's think in the present and not the future." not like i can't get myself out of the past.

mrs. na huffed. "i'm just worried we'll have a repeat."

jaemin flinched. "yo sé..."

with mrs. na turning around and not saying anything else, jaemin left the room, heading back for his.

he saw jeno still asleep on the pull-out couch bed, the other vampire walking over to shake him awake. it was stroke of luck that he didn't sleep over at renjun's place.

it took awhile, but he eventually stirred awake. "wha— ?" jeno's confused expression turned into a frown. "oh. i thought you didn't want to talk."

jaemin ignored that. "tenemos un problema."

"huh? please say that in korean because i have no idea what you just said," jeno retorted with a yawn.

jaemin sighed. "we have a problem."

"what now?"

"police were following mi abuela last night," jaemin explained. that's all jeno needed.

"oh, fuck," jeno shook his head. "how did they even see her? i thought she was careful."

"i dunno," jaemin admitted. "mrs. na never told me."

"does that mean she won't get blood anymore?" jeno asked, sounding worried. jaemin shrugged, not sure himself.

"there's loads of forests nearby but i think she won't go out for a while," he answered, biting his bottom lip. "at least we've got enough to last us for a long time. just go drink your blood for the day."

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