cranky morning⁷

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once again, chenle and jisung were back at the same forest, the older pulling up to the curb again. it was no different than yesterday — dark and extremely hard to see. jisung placed the brown bag between his legs so he could hold the camera.

time went by, chenle narrowing his eyes as he looked at the window. the bushes remained unmoving, no sounds but for their low breathing.

chenle let out a sigh, checking the time displayed on his phone. it was midnight. "can i have a sandwich? i'm hungry."

"sure," jisung said right after, opening the bag and pulling out of the sandwiches kept in a ziplock bag. chenle took it, zipping the bag open and taking a bite out of the sandwich. at that moment, he decided to eat his too.

they ate in silence for a few moments before chenle broke the silence again.

"you know, i'm sorry about making you sit here for hours," jisung's senior said, glancing over at him. the younger shook his head.

"no, i willingly agreed to come with you," jisung quickly retorted. "no need to apologise for it."

"then, i'm glad you came." was it just jisung, or was chenle's face closer than it was before? "i enjoy your company."

chenle's eyes slid down to jisung's lips.

something could've happened right then, but there was a sudden noise, making jisung jerk his head away. "did you hear that?"

chenle looked behind him, seeing the same darkness from before. "what?"

he looked back at jisung, who was pointing towards outside. chenle looked back. "was it that same thing from yesterday?"

"i didn't see it, i only heard it," jisung replied, making his senior look back at him once more. "maybe it's just some animal, i dunno."

"maybe it'll come back again," chenle suggested. "let's stay for a bit more."

"okay," jisung said with a nod, seeing chenle sit back in his seat. damn, if i didn't say anything, he probably would've kissed me.

or was he going to in the first place...? he was leaning in, looking right at him. jisung could still feel how fast his heart was beating right then at that moment.

eventually, the sun started to peek from behind the trees, changing the dark sky into a beautiful mix of colours. the thing didn't show itself again, so they had to drive away. no luck this time.


renjun let out an annoyed huff, placing his pillow over his ear to block out the noise of his phone going off.

it didn't work whatsoever. "shut up."

as if the phone could understand him and actually go quiet, but it continued to ring loudly. getting fed up with it, renjun threw his poor pillow aside and grabbed his phone from his nightstand.

mark was calling him.

he answered the call, returning to laying on his back. "hello?"

"hey jun, you finally answered," mark said from the other end.

"i was trying to get my beauty rest," renjun retorted sarcastically, earning a laugh from mark.

"anyways, donghyuck had to go to work early today and i was wondering if you could tell where you live so we can eat breakfast at your new place," mark continued, making renjun freeze.

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