Chapter 3

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  I stood in awe as the girl stood up. "I'm Mabel, and this is my brother Dipper!" Mabel greeted me, smiling as her braces showed. I giggled a little, she was very polite to me. "Im y/n." I replied, holding out a hand. She shook it, and nodded "Nice to me you Y/n! I'll show you your room." She said starting to walk off motoining for me to follow.

  I smiled and followed her. She opened to door to a room with blue chipped wallpaper like the other rooms and a  wooden floor, that had a few broken floorboards. It had a bed and a boxes set on the floor. "Tomorrow we can get you stuff from the storage room and paint to paint your room." Mabel said seeing me gaze at the room.

  I smiled thanking her. She left and I started to looking around. It was empty and dusty, but a big room. It just needed some touching up. I set my stuff down and looked around. It was huge, bigger then I've ever seen. Well, the room I shared with 20 other girls was bigger but. But when you're crammed in a large space it seems smaller.

  The other twin, 'Dipper' , walked in. "Hey" he greeted his voice cracking a little, "I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow you, well, have to come to the school here. I mean, our parents have us come to this school so I can show you around."

  "Oh thanks." I said turning to the small dusty window. It was pitch black outside, nothing around. "You should get some sleep, it's late." He said as I nodded. I got into a pair of sweatpants and a shirt I always wore to bed and got some sleep.

7:55 AM

  Mabel bursted into my room. "Since its your first day," she paused then quickly said probably "at a actual school........makeover time !" She squealed. I shrugged and nodded as she brushed my H/C hair and handed me a F/C sweater with a S/F/C heart on it.

  "Awe thanks Mabel!" I said. "No problem Y/N!" She said walking out.
I put on the sweater and some jeans. I grabbed my shoes and put them on , eventually walking out. Mabel was waiting wearing a light purple sweater with a cloud on it, silver skirt and matching headband. Dipper walked in with the same he wore yesterday.

  I hoped he washed it, it'd be odd to wear the same clothing every day.

  They both had backpacks on, Mabel's was a soft pink with glitter and her name written on it. Meanwhile, Dipper's was black. They got me a purple one, so I shrugged and threw it over my shoulder.

  We started to walk to school, Mabel fanning over people she'd see and how fun this year would be. Dipper nodded and smiled, not saying much. We saw a large fancy building. People poured in and out, and it all seemed unreal. It was like a movie that people saw. All the stereotypes, here.

  Naomi and I once stole a bunch of VHS movies and watched them in a box television that was stored in the attic. We never believed it but I felt like it'd be like that.  I gasped as we walked in, so many people. I was use to large crowds due to an overcrowded orphanage but never like this. Mabel ran off to her friends hugging them and chatting, and Dipper took me to the office.

  The principle looked me over. "Ah the new girl. Y/n L/n? Correct?"

  "Yes sir." I nodded.

  "Well welcome, " he said shaking my hand. "Enjoy your time here." He said handing me a schedule and my locker  number.

  Dipper smiled. "Hey you're in Mabel and I's classes." He said pointing to the paper. I grinned and walked to my locker. I put everything away, and saw a girl. "Hey, You seem new." She said leaning against the lockers as she glanced me up and down. . "Yeah..I'm Y/N." I said. "Well Y/N, I'm Storm." She said pointing to herself as a boy that looked like her walked up. "And this is my brother." She pointed to him. "Call him sky. He don't like going by his real name." She ruffled his hair.

  What's with this town and twins? Storm had auburn hair like Naomi, that reached down to her hips. She had ripped jeans on, and a red leather jacket the was unzipped reviling a pink Floyd shirt. Her hands had fingerless gloves on, with S ripped into it.

  Sky's hair color was the same , but shorter and his bangs where flipped, with a black SnapBack on. He had on a dark blue hoodie and jeans on, the hoodie reading; 'you don't know us' written down his arm.

  "Where you from?" Storm asked cocking an eyebrow.

  "I'm from f-foster care..." I said quietly. I felt like some sort of freak saying that.

"Ah. Well, what class?" She said.

"I um..128?" I replied.

  "Sky is in your class." She chuckled walking off.

  "So she's your sister?" I asked as his face turned pink.

  "Y-yeah.." He said. "I'm put in charge of keeping her in line but that doesn't work.

  "Oh she's seemed cool!" I said smiling, reassuring him.

  He shrugged and walked off. Hopefully I made new friends, but who can tell. Dipper walked up to me. "To class?" He asked. "To class." I finished as we walked to class.

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