Chapter 24

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| Last Time... |

"Aren't you suppose to be with him? Like at the questioning?"

"I didn't think so.."

She sat up, and I laid my head on her lap. She pulled a baggy tee-shirt over her head and then ran her black nails through my hair. "Well, I guess you where right."

I shrugged. "I'm sorry." I sighed. "I didn't think you loved him that much."

She shrugged. "I didn't think so either."

Fixing her auburn hair, she smiled at me. "But your my best friend, I love you more." She kissed my forehead.

| Chapter 24 |

Your Perspective.

I smiled at her. "I'm so happy we made up."

"Same." She laughed.

My phone buzzed. Naomi picked it up and handed it to me. The message was from dipper, it read:
'Y/N...come home asap.'

"Naomi I have to go." I sighed as I sat up. She nodded and waved as I left her bedroom. The stairs creaked under my feet at every step, kinda like the Pine's home. I made my way out the door and back home. "Dipper? Mabel? Stan?" I called out and Dipper slid in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Sky," he said wide eyed. "He's in custody. We need to go to the questioning right away, they could release him."

I nodded and we walked to the car, Stan quickly taking the wheel.

"Questioning isn't fun kid." He sighed.


The police station.

The officer's nodded when they saw me, glaring at Stan slightly. Then guided them to sit down in the waiting area, and me to a room. "Now," a male officer said. "He is locked up to the table, he can't hurt you. The detective and three other officers are there with us."

I nodded and walked it, sliding into a seat across the tab from Sky. His dark blue eyes where bloodshot and faded, dark circles under his eyes. His auburn hair was messy, his beanie hiding most of it. He death glared at me, but where was Bill?

"Now, Ms L/n." The detective stated. "Is this the man who drowned you on December fourth, two-thousand and fifteen?"

I looked at him, and then the Detective. "Yes."

"What exactly happened?"

"Well," I said pausing until I cleared my throat and told him what happened.

"There was another person involved?"


"Jackson?" The detective looked at Sky, "who was it?"

"He committed suicide right after." Sky said.

"Ah." The detective nodded. "I heard of that one case."

My eyes widened, Bill committed suicide?

He couldn't have!

Oh my fuck..

Bill forced someone to kill them self, someone who looked like him.

That fiend.

"Thank you for your time, Ms L/n."

I nodded and stood up. "Direct her to the councilor." He said.

"I don't need a councilor." I mumbled to the detective.

"You where – almost – brutally murdered." He sighed rubbing his eyes with one of his hands.

"I'm fine."

I lied.

"Take the card." He held out a card.

"No thanks."

"Take the damn card."

I nodded quickly and took the card, as the officers guided me out. Sky was so sweet, he's being arrested for murder.

"I'm sorry Jackson–"


"Whatever," the detective said. "Your under arrest for attempted murder."

I covered my mouth as I walked out. I ran to Dipper, who bolted up and opened his arms for me. I ran into his arms, and he tightly hugged me.

"Oh my god Dipper," I said. "It's horrible.."

"I know." He patted my back and walked me out.

Once we arrived at home, it was night. I sighed; as Dipper stared at his phone.

"Uh I'll see you tonight Dipper," I said smiling, expecting him to come over and cuddle me.

He nodded as I walked away.

What was on his phone.


Dipper's Perspective

Looking at my phone, I saw Wendy's text.

"How about we go on a date? ;3"
She put.

I hesitated, but why not?

I can't break her heart.

But what about Y/N?

I clicked send.



☕️ Hey guys! ☕️
I'm planing on making other x readers, but I have no clue what fandoms.

Maybe a Wirt x Reader?

Any Wirt lovers out there as well?

What I love Over the Garden Wall.

Yeah I'm doing that!

Well check it out, I'll tell ya guys when I make it.

Remember to put on Post Notifications for this book!

And don't forget to star it and comment!

ily guys! 🌸

~Lapis Lazuli 💦

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