Chapter 32

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Last Time....

Then I heard Mabel walk downstairs.

After that, she went back to the couch, her and her pig aggressively watching us.

I then saw them walk down.

Bill bit his lip as I moved closer to him, his grip tightening around me.

Wendy and Dipper.

Walking down the stairs.



Oh god.

Please let her not be...



Your Perspective

I gasped; quickly covering my mouth with my hand. Bill pulled me closer as Dipper sighed.

"Y/n, Bill, I'm sorry." Dipper said sincerely.

"It's a little late..." Bill mumbled, our eyes looking at Wendy. I death glared her, making her nervous.

"She's–she's glaring at me...." Wendy said moving closer to Dipper. That fuck toy wasn't sorry at all. I started walking to her, slowly but surely. She yelped slightly, cringing up, preparing for a blow. When I didn't hit her, she loosened up and looked up at me.

"Y/n—" she said but I cut her off in the middle of a sentence by kneeing her in the gut, kicking her to flip up slightly, only to grab her boobs and throw her to the ground.

"Y-y/n..." Dipper said wide eyed as I walked over to him, kicking him in the balls.

They both fell to the floor, Wendy sobbing and Dipper groaning.

"We deserved that.." Dipper mumbled as Wendy nodded.

"A-anyway... I'm sorry.." Wendy sighing her hand behind her back. I'm guessing she was crossing her fingers at that point.

"It's fine.." I mumbled. "Wait..did you take a pregnancy test?"

She nodded. "It's says I'm not pregnant."

"Thank god." Everyone said.

"You would be a horrible mother." Bill snickered.

"Excuse me?" Wendy said.

"Your excused after I say this," he walked towards her. "You a an inhumane she-devil who had a stick shoved so far up her ass that she could be a Popsicle. You have fake boobs which you probably inserted cooking oil with because we all know the only source of money you'd get is with a Sugar Daddy. You, by the way, even have daddy issues. You are a dumb slut who can't do shit right."

I pulled on Bill's sleeve. "Bill, that's enough."

"Fine.." Bill grumbled backing up.

"Hey Y/n..." She snapped her head at me. "What's with the scarf?" She smirked.

"Nothing! I'm just cold." I said rubbing my shoulders.

Wendy walked over to me. "You sure? It's pretty hot in here. If it was because of the weather, you would have taken it off awhile ago. What are you hiding?" She smirked at me wrapping her hands around my neck.

"Cut it off." I said taking my hands and putting them inside of her link around me, pulling her arms off.

"Why? Your hiding something Y/n!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Wendy shouted as she pulled off my scarf.

I gulped a little, hoping the hickeys where gone. I glanced down, and most where, but one or two on my neck still stood.

"Aha!" Wendy smirked. "I knew it." She crossed her arms, pushing her boobs up while she did.

Dipper raised as eyebrow. "Y/n?"

"Wait a second..." Wendy said then laughing a little. "You and Bill haven't been arguing and death glaring one another.. OH MY GOD YOU MADE OUT WITH BILL CIPHER!" she laughed.

"Wendy you bitch!" I shouted running to her, kicking her legs and making her fall, then about to dig my high heel into her side when I felt someone wrap their arms around me, instantly pulling me way.

"Let. Me. Kill. Her!" I shouted squirming.

"Stop it Y/n!" Bill shouted about to release me only to get a stronger grasp on my by holding onto me in the area slightly around my hips.

"I ship it!" Mabel shouted as Bill screeched. "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH SHOOTING STAR!" He said as Mabel laughed.

"Guys knock it off!" Dipper said. "We all screwed up last night lets just forget what happened okay?"

"Fine." Bill and I said in sync, glancing at one another, him still holding me.

"Nah Fam. I got photos now." Mabel giggled as Dipper shouted at her. "MABEL PLEASE"

"I don't wanna forget." Wendy stood up. "You where great.." She said caressing his cheek with her hand.

"I'm gonna slit her throat!" I shouted as Bill proceeded to restrain me, sighing.

"Hey Bill, if you love her so much why don't you marry her!"

"I DON'T!" He shouted, myself only thinking of the time where I almost was forced to marry Bill.


"Because! Do you want her to slit your throat?!"

"Maybe." She winked. "Only if me and Dipper could have round two." She kissed Dipper's cheek and walk out.

"That whore." Bill and I said.

I looked at Dipper only to see him glance at Bill's arms wrapped around me, I could see his heart sink. He sighed as he walked upstairs, and I wanted to comfort him so badly.

"Bill... You can let me go now."

"Oh! Right! Sorry." He blushed letting me go.

"Thanks." I said.

I just need to help Dipper.

But what if it's to late.

See what happens next in..Foster Girl!

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