Chapter 29

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Last time...

All of a sudden, we fell forward with a thud. Our seat belts kept us from crashing into the wall, but the windows did smash on impact. I brushed the glass off of me, and so did everyone else. Number three got out of the car, screaming about her ripped blue dress.

She ran her hands through her red hair, calming herself down. Number two fixed her earmuffs and walked to see what happened. She turned the corner and let out an ear piercing shriek.

"HE'S DEAD!" She screamed about the driver.

Your Perspective

Pacifica and I ran over to her. We both screamed, along with number Three. I stared at the axe slammed into his head. Blood poured down from his face, his body motionless and laid back. Once we stopped, Pacifica whipped out her phone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My driver...he's dead. We got in a crash and there's a axe shoved into his head. We crashed and I have no clue what happened.." Pacifica said.

"Okay ma'am, the police are on their way, stay with me in the line okay sweetie?"


"So who is with you?"

"My three friends."


Pacifica and the women on the line proceeded to talk until the police arrived on the scene.

15 minutes later.

The news arrived by now, pointing to the scene; preaching about how bad this all was. The police where tapping up the scene with cation tape, and a few where trying to sooth number three from her mental breakdown. "There's a note!" An officer cried.

They pulled on gloves and grabbed the note which was tapped to the axe. They read it over and made their way to me.
"Ms. L/n, it's indicated to you." They said holding it up. I squinted at the messy handwriting, rushed I suppose, until I could read it.

" Dearest Y/n,

So innocent, so pure
So manipulative, such a bore.
So much like your mother, such a whore,
Sweetie your next,
Dead, on the cold stones floor.

The police can't save you,
But the memories can cave you,
Your soft silky hair,
Sweetheart you will never be there,
But in my mind I swear,
I hate you,
And your fair care.

Dipper doesn't love you,
Stop thinking he does,

You are dead Y/n.
Inside out.

I hate you,
Your Death them self.

The police sighed and patted my back as I stood in shock. I couldn't move. I was to scared to move. My motionless body tumbled around until I caught myself.

Pacifica was texting furiously. "Uh guys... I know it's a bad time but, there is a party scheduled at our house and unless you want people sniffing your panties and ruining our stuff, than we better get moving.

They all nodded and I followed silently.

We where almost killed.

She's thinking about partying.

I quickly followed her, and when we arrived at the house, cars started pulling up. We sprinted inside, Pacifica yelling for the Maids to get the alcohol. They nodded and did as they where told, and within a few seconds the place was full of people dancing. Some person was A DJ, I don't even fucking know who.

I hid by the stairs, sighing. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and since I still had my guard up, I smacked them.

"Ow!" Dipper shouted. "What the hell, Y/n!"

"Sorry! Sorry!"

"I heard what happened; it's all over the news....I'm so sorry."

"It's fine..." I lied.

He sighed and pulled me to my feet. "Let's get out of here."



"I can't leave."


"They could ruin my stuff."


"The people here!"

"What are you gonna do then? Just sit in your room?"

"Yes." I said walking away, and sitting on my bed.

"Y/n,"he sighed. "You can't his from your problems."

"Your right Dipper." I said running downstairs.

Dipper sighed. "What's with all this running!"

I made my way to Pacifica and the girls, who where drinking a lot of liquor. "Hey Y/n...take a sip!" Number three stumbled. "Okay...." I said taking a sip.

It was horrible.

But I felt better.

Two hours later.

I laughed; myself completely intoxicated with alcohol. Everyone was making out, and Dipper left a little while ago. I shrugged, as I felt someone tug onto me. I saw blonde hair, and heard a laugh. All I remember before blacking out was that I was kissing someone.
Both of us drunk.

I was kissing Bill Cipher.

See what happens next in...Foster Girl!

Sorry that I forgot to update sooner.
~Lapis Lazuli

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