Chapter 27

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"Here I got this." Pacifica took my phone and read aloud what she was typing.

"Hey Dipper, so I saw on your phone that you where chatting with Wenbitch. I saw the photos too, and frankly, she isn't your type. I mean come on! Wow, your really have low expectations. I really thought you where better than this, I guess I was wrong. It seemed like everything was fake, as fake as Wendy's ass and boobs. Bye Dipshit." She said and hit send.

"Thanks Pacifica.." I said as I put my phone on its charger.

"No problem." She smiled.

Dipper is gonna be pissed the fuck off.

Your perspective

Dipper texted me back.

"Y/n? This isn't like you..."

Pacifica shook her head. "Fucking asshole; give him a piece of your mind!"

I nodded.

"It isn't like you to cheat on my either."

"We weren't dating."

"What? What where we then?"

"Just Friends. Sorry Y/n."

I teared up and set down my phone. I silently sobbed as the girls hugged me. "He's a dick." Number three said.
"Yeah fuck him." Number two said.

Wendy's Perspective.

I laughed as I hit sent every time. Oh my god she's probably dying inside. Good. That's what she gets for taking my man. Dipper rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen. I hid in an old cabinet. He looked at the note she left and gasped. "Shit..."

He turned on his phone. "Wendy..." He said bolting around to look at the cabinet I was in. "Wendy you are an asshole."

"Thanks?" I shrugged getting out.

"How could you say stuff like that?"

"She had it coming."

"Shut the fuck up!"

I backed away, "Dipper!" I cried.

"Don't play damsel bitch."

"I'm like your soulmate!"

"Not really. I love Y/n."

"But you aren't dating!"

"Neither are we. Dating doesn't clarify love."

"We what? We are! And yes it does!" I held my head in my hands. "Dipper please! You knew me longer!"

"I don't care!" He shouted as he walked away attempting to call Y/n.

"Don't worry, I hate her too." Bill snickered.

"I hate you more." I shook my head. "Your insane."

"Your not? You attempting to push a girl into suicide."

"Shut up. I love him."

"I love him too."

"He's not gonna love you!"

"He won't love you either Wendy."


"Still what? He like Y/n, he hates you now, and I'm at least close to him."

"I'm...I'm leaving."

"Go ahead Wendy, run away from your worries. Just like how you ran away from home."

"Shut. UP!" I said wiping a knife at him arm. It caught him, oddly.

He laughed. "Pain is hilarious!"

"Your human?!"

"Yes of course I am! How could I kiss Dipper." He winked.

"Your sick." I said.

"Right back at you."

I stomped out and ran into my car. I sobbed silently as I drove around, then got into my apartment.

Dipper's Perspective

I was shaking as I knocked on Pacifica's house for them. Pacifica answered and grunted, attempting to slam the door. I stopped her with my foot. "I need to talk to Y/n."

"Haven't you done enough?"

"I don't care."

"She's my friend. Your an asshole."

I then sighed, explaining to her what happened. She believe me after I gave her proof. She allowed me inside, and personally explained what happened. Number two and three nodded.

"Dipper! I knew you wouldn't do that to me." Y/n said hugging me, relief flushing over her.

Your perspective.

I tightly hugged him, but he still did things with Wendy which he wouldn't ever do to me.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You coming home?"

"Dipper, this is my new home."

See what happens next time in...Foster girl!


Thank you guys for 6k views! I know it's nothing compared to everyone else but I'm kinda proud...

~Lapis Lazuli

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