Chapter 20

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Guys, this is again a mature rated fanfic. If you don't like what might happen, don't read it! It's my story; I'm just warning you. Nothing bad happens, not sex scenes, just more mature content. Now, on with the story.

Dipper's Perspective

  I felt her cold body against mine, I wanted her to be warm. She yawned in her sleep, moving around slightly. I hoped she was okay. Why did she do that? I never asked her what had happened really that night. All I could do was talk with Wendy...

The Dance
Still Dipper's Perspective
Feat. Wendy

I smiled as Wendy went on about how college was horrible and how there was so much work. But, she didn't say if she wanted to go back to High School. All I know about her experience, is that she was teased about her last name. Something around that ballpark.

"I wouldn't go back to High School."


"It was hell! Everyone made fun of my last name, whatever I did I got teased!" She said covering her eyes with her hat. "I was an outcast."

"I know how that feels.." I said.

She peaked out of her hat. "What? Your the coolest person I know."

"They call me a nerd, I'm unpopular, I've gotten beat up, girls hate me. Except Mabel, Her friends, and Y/N. I'm not sure about Naomi."

"Well ya got some friends!" She nudged my arm laughing a little.

"Haha." I said sarcastically.

"So," she wiggled her eyebrows. "Who's this 'Y/N'?"

I blushed a little. "Well I uh..." I said. "I just.."

"Do you love her? Or just like her?"

Love; N. | luv |
An intense feeling of deep affection.

Like; Con. | Līk |
Having the same characteristics of qualities as; similar to.

I couldn't just like her.

I knew then.

I had fell in love with Y/N.

She was sipping out of a red solo cup, waiting for my response. I shivered and so I sipped mine as well. What would I say.  "What happened to you?" She asked raising an eyebrow to someone behind me.

"Uh..." I heard Y/N say. "I was just outside?" I could tell that dork was smiling.

"Okay.." Wendy said chucking a little. "So..Dipper, who's this?"

I turned around to look at her. She seemed hurt, I was curious to what had happened. Did someone attack her? "Oh that's just Y/N." I accidentally said.

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