" Blood Stains, makeup smears. "

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" There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life; a quote from John Lennon. "

My teacher said, clearing her throat. She was the English teacher, whom had a tall and thin frame, dressed head to toe in black. She took in a breath and proceeded to speak. Although my mind did anything but grasp the concept she was on. I remembered my actions, and what DH said.

I shoved the letter into my bag as a million thoughts ran through my head. She hated me and still does. My phone buzzed on cue. "Like her little note? Maybe you should write back and say that I'll make something happen to you. -DH."

I glanced at Marina, who kept on staring at Dipper from across the room. Her eyes glanced up and down him, smiling. He smiled back, out of kindness. I glanced at my bag, pulling it onto my lap and into the desk. "Open your books to page 37." The teacher said, and we all did.

Photos were scattered in my book. Although several photos caught my attention. One was a photo of me in the library, another of a bloody knife, a gun, and Marina and Dipper, together? They were talking, her of course swooning. Dipper seemed to be awkwardly laughing then the final was a piece of a photo. It was torn apart.

I put the other photos in my bag, and stared at the torn apart one. It was only a tiny piece of a photo, why? My phone turned on, but thank god it was on silent.

It had a message, from of course DH. "Put together the puzzle, I think you'll love the outcome. -DH." I sighed, thinking it was something horrible. The bell rang, final for the day. It has been a day since it happened.

The library haunted me now. To think I almost died in there. It use to give me comfort but not really anymore. Walking out, I saw a preppy cheerleader waving papers. I walked over to her, raising at eyebrow at the pink slip. "Prom! Get prom tickets!"

"What is it?" I asked tilting my head.

"Guys ask Girls." She replied than went back to yelling.

'Hopefully Dipper will ask me..' I thought to myself.

I walked into the bathroom, to hear crying. It had a blend of sniffles, wails, and mumbling. I knew it was a girl, by the higher pitch of the voice. I walked over to a stall, and saw Pacifica sobbing.

"Pacifica, what's wrong?"

"Number t-three..." She said holing up her phone sobbing.

My heart dropped when I read the messages.

Pacifica: Where are you?! It's the end of the school day . Don't tell me you are out drinking again idiot.
Number 3: CALL 911
Pacifica: What? Why? Are you okay?
Pacifica: Get it of there!!! Who's trying to kill you?

"Did you call 911?!" I asked.

She nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm scared to go back though.."

"Let's go, come on." I held out a hand to help her up. She took it, and we speeded out. We piled into my car, and drove off to the motel. Police cars were everywhere. Other guests there where huddling together scared. We jumped out of my car and ran.

"What's going on?" I asked one of the officers.

"Are you both from room B8?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well someone was murdered; Jessica Adams."

'So was that Number Three's name?' I thought to myself.

"She was killed?! By who?" Pacifica babbled.

"We don't know."

"I have to see her! Please help her." She said panicky as she started to make way to the room. Officers quickly grabbed her, holding her back. "God has no mercy!" She screamed loudly.

Pacifica really cared about those two. She freaked out over one of them, now the other was gone. I looked her over as she started to have a panic attack. Her straightened blonde hair fell over her face, as she rocked back and forth fighting officers to let her go. Her 'perfect outfit and makeup' were ruined; face stained with tears and outfit wrinkled.

The detective pulled me aside as officers obtained Pacifica and drove her to a counselor nearby.

"What were your connections with Ms. Adams?"

"We all lived together in the connected rooms. I didn't know her personally, but she was Pacifica's close friend."

"Did she have any enemies? Anyone out to harm her?"

I shook my head.

"Where were you and Ms. Northwest?"

"At school. I found Pacifica on the floor crying in the bathroom. " I said than saying the messages, and us driving here.

"Come with me, you seem more calm than your friend." He said walking me to the crime scene. He put on gloves and handed me some, and opened the door. People where working, looking around for stuff.

Then I saw her.

Her red hair was a tangled mess, curls starting to fall into straight hair. Her earrings were stained with blood, and her makeup had splatters of her own blood on it. Her pale porcelain skin was bruised was black and blue, cheek bruised and so was her legs and arms. She once was wearing a white blouse, and a white skirt, stained with blood. There was stab wounds on her legs, chest, and neck.

On the wall, "beauty is a pain" was spray painted.

Gasping, I covered my mouth.

On cue, I got a text.

"3 dead. How about we add 1 more? -DH"

[] a/n []

I am so sorry I have been updating like monthly. I'll try to make it weekly. Love you guys, thank you for all the votes. We finally hit 20k! I'm trying to get out two more chapters by tomorrow.

Au revoir ! <3

Foster Girl ★ ( Dipper x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now