Chapter 19

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Third person perspective.

"Bill, what are we gonna do with her corpse?" Sky asked.

"Into the lake; of course." Bill snickered.

"Alright..." Sky said taking up Y/N's feet.

Bill took her shoulders and slowly walked to the lake. Bill smiled; he has won.

"Let me throw her in." Bill said as Sky shrugged.

Bill looked at Y/N's dead face and cold cheeks.

"Bye bitch." He said throwing her in. "Dipper's mine now." He snickered walking away.

The dance was over, and people poured out of the gym. Wendy left Dipper, planting a small kiss on his forehead. He blushed like crazy, rubbing the back of his neck as she walked off. Naomi walked out, Dipper stopping her.

"Hey..where's Y/N?"  He asked.

"I don't know." Naomi mumbled.

"What's your problem?" Dipper asked.

"She said Sky was 'Yandere.' And he hurt her. I don't believe her..why would she say that." She responded.

"Maybe she was right." He shrugged.

"Sky is a nice boy!" Naomi weeped. "You guys just can't see it!" She backed away then ran off.

"She okay?" Mabel asked.

"I'll explain later Mabel." He sighed. "Hey where's Bill..and Y/N?"

"No clue." She said. "Now that I think about it.. I didn't see Bill like at all. And Y/N....I don't know about her."

"I'll be right back.." Dipper said running after footprints made by high heels.

He then looked at the water to see footprints walking away from the water, and f/c fabric floating in the water. "Y/N!" He shouted as he set his phone down and leaning into the water.


Your perspective.

The cold water moved around my body. I felt as if everything was leaving me. My organs, I felt them still working. But slowly down.

I didn't want to open my eyes.

I didn't want to wake in this nightmare.

Suddenly, hands went around me.

Was it Naomi?

No...she doesn't care.

But the arms wrapped around me and pulled me out of the water. "Y-y/n!" A male voice said.


I opened my mouth, "am I..." I said coughing. "Am I only your friend?"

"Y/n.." He whimpered. "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean it like that." He said caring me as he walked. "I..."

"You what?"

"Y/n, I love you."

My eyes widened at the comment.

Dipper loves me?

I suddenly felt lips press against mine, and blood rushed to my cheeks. I started feeling more warm. "Dipper.." I said as he shushed me. "Let's just get you home." He said.

I fell back asleep.

9:30 PM

I woke up covered in blankets, and by a heater. There was a heated pouch on my forehead, and tea near me. I sipped the tea, my hands shaking. Dipper walked in and gasped, hugging me.

"Your okay!" He said.

I giggled a little, nodding. "I'm fine."

"I should.." I shivered. "Get to bed."

He picked me up; bridal style.

"Dipper!" I said. " I can walk!"

"No, " he shook his head.

We walked to my room, and he set me down. He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Y/N.." He smiled.

"Wait.." I said. "Please stay.."

He sighed a little; but nodded. He pulled up the covers and tucked us both in. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek.

"Y/N...I love you." He said.

"I love you too, Dipper."

See what happens next in...Foster Girl!

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm running out of ideas! I'm probably gonna be doing a few methods I've used in the past. Thank you guys, your likes and comments make me so happy.

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