" Fuck Formal. "

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Note; This is a v long chapter. I'm probably gonna have to make a
" Part 2!1!1. " Haha.

Previously on Foster Girl.....

"Hey guys! Meet my new boyfriend, Dipper." Wendy said hugging Dipper's side.

"Yeah." Dipper hugged her, razing an eyebrow sassily at me. They turned around and walked away, Naomi and my jaw dropping.

"What." I started.

"The." She continued.

"Fuck?!" We said in sync.

"He broke up with you?!"


"I know what to do."

"What?" I asked her.

"Let's make our exes jealous."


"By faking it." She smiled at me, grabbing my hand and wrapping her other arm around me.


After class;

" What the fuck am I going to do. I mean what if he doesn't get jealous. " I sighed, thinking about Dipper and Wendy in a romantic formate. Until an idea popped into my head. " Wait! Dipper always takes his girlfriend on a fancy place for their first date! And I happen to know where. " I said walking to my locker with Naomi.

" Where? And when? " She shot an eyebrow raise at me.

" Gravity Falls Best and only fancy place; Rouse Hart. "

" Oh! My aunt owns that place. "

" You have an aunt? Why didn't you just live with her instead of Foster Care? "

" She was very poor and mentally unstable when my parents died. She takes her meds now; and has gotten a lot better. So she opened up a Restaurant. "

" Ah okay. " I shut my locker and slung my bag on one shoulder. 

" So I probably could get us in and we could pose as waitresses and fuck everything up. "

" It's a date. " I nodded as we walked into her car. We decided that I'd just leave my stuff here and get ready by her.

She started driving and I sunk into my seat. I'm surprised I'm not crying yet.

I mean Dipper broke up with me.

With no emotion.

" Alright we are here! " Naomi cheered as she walked out. Dusting off my flannel; I walked in with her. We walked inside; and I looked around. The place was somewhat barren; for it was the afternoon and no one was eating, most people just got off of work. Naomi assured me that by the time dinner is here; it would be packed.

Foster Girl ★ ( Dipper x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now