Chapter 46 || "Win back their hearts."

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» Previously on Foster Girl. «

"Hey Dipper..." I mumbled. "Can I move in back with you guys?"

"Sure," he laughed. "Stan said he might have to make us go live at a motel now, due to construction at the Mystery Shack. My great uncle Ford is there, and he says, I'm not letting the place I build look like shit. "

"Oh." I shrugged. "Can I meet this Ford guy?"

"Yeah, sure."

We walked outside and waited for Mabel and Pacifica to come. They came down a few minutes later, Pacifica with earbuds in so she didn't have to listen to us. We piled into the limo and drove off to the site where the private jet was. Everyone got off and onto the plane. Staring over New York, I sighed. I was gonna miss that place.

"Mabel, we're gonna talk, now." He said after we where able to move around the cabin.

"Okay." She shrugged getting up, moving to the back with Dipper and I.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I want you to break up with Pacifica."


{ Y/n's Perspective }

"W..what?" Mabel said, had her heart dropped to the ground.

"She's no good..." Dipper mumbled sighing.

"Easy for you to say..everyone, everyone, likes you! No one betrays you like this!" Mabel sighed.

"Well I ki-"

"No. You do not." She said firmly sitting in the way front, isolating herself from everyone.

"Shit.." Dipper sighed.

"Can I talk with you next?" Pacifica asked. She looked different at the moment. Purple hoodie, skinny jeans, but diamond incrusted converse. Although she wore the same fake ass makeup, she did look simple.

Like me.

"Sure..." He sighed under his breath and followed her to her seat. I went back to mine, right behind hers actually. Thank god.

Pacifica sighed, looking at Dipper. "I really am sorry." She hid her face in her sweaters sleeves. "I've had an alcohol problem for a while now."

"How long?" Dipper said, pretending to be interested.

"Well..." She thought for a moment. "Ever since like the first few weeks of school.."

When I came to school.

"I want us to be friends again." She said, smiling.

"I'll think about it." He said firmly standing up, and walking to me. "Sorry I left you like that."

"It's okay." I grinned.

"I suppose, you're the thing she can't take away." He chuckled.

Third Person Perspective.

Pacifica sighed, shutting the lid on the toilet and sitting on it. "I wish he would love me..." She mumbled. "Like her..." Tightening her fists, she stood up and looked in the mirror. "I'm dressing like this, and he doesn't even smile at me." She said angrily. "I'm just gonna have to make him see I'm better than her."


Mabel sighed as she played around with an ice cube, flicking it around the counter. She was disappointed in Dipper's choice of words about her girlfriend. Yet, she was upset with Pacifica for what she did. "Where's Number Three?!" She shouted remembering the slut.

Pacifica walked out of the one bathroom. "Vomiting her alcohol."

"Will she be okay?" Mabel asked.

"Who cares, " she said only to see Dipper glare at her. " I mean yeah! She will be. " She smiled.

"Okay." Mabel sighed sitting back down, ignoring everyone again.

"You better cheer Mabel up.." Y/n said crossing her arms.

"Yeah, alright thanks Y/n!" She forced a happy smile to her as she walked to Mabel.

"Mabel I'm.."

"...A whore?" Mabel said aggressively under her breath.

"Yeah." Pacifica said taking a deep breath. "And I'm sorry..can we still be like." She said grabbing Mabel's hands and linking fingers. "Together, forever?"

"Sometimes forever lasts just one second." Mabel said taking her hand away. "We are done."

"What?" Pacifica backed away, hair flying over her shoulder a little. "I loved you though!" She lied, weeping fairly fake.

"Screw you Pacifica Northwest." Mabel said angrily turning to another side her seat, having her back face to Pacifica.

Pacifica; cried on cue as usual. "I just want to be loved!" She said weeping as she retreated to the back row.

"Should I cheer her up?" Y/n asked Dipper.

"No." He said holding Y/n's hand.

"The plane will be landing soon, please be seated and have your seat belts buckled up." The captain said.

« Y/n's Perspective »

I stood up, and stretched out my back when we landed. It was a very long flight, thank god we where back in Gravity Falls. Pacifica was still pretending to be sad, and I knew it. "Let's go Dipper. We got to pick up my stuff from Pacifica's house. " I said as Pacifica ran up to us.

"Y/n! Please don't leave!" She begged. "I need support!"

"You want support? Stay at the same motel as us." I sighed walking off with Dipper.


See what happens next in Foster Girl!

» Lapis Lazuli «

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