Chapter 26

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| Last time... |

I heard Dipper walk in, and I got happy. He didn't come into my room at all, which got me nervous. I went onto the roof and smiled at him.

He looked at me and motioned me to lay with him. I nuzzled my face into his chest and he put his arm around me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine," he smiled. "Now that your here."

A shooting star flew across the sky, and the rest twinkled trying to outshine it.

But he was the one.

He was mine.

And only mine.


Your Perspective

"It looks amazing." He smiled gazing into the sky.

"Yeah.." I smiled.

He moved away, and I missed his warmth. "Dipper?" I asked. "Sorry I have to just sleep, I'm tired as hell." He yawned. I nodded as he walked away, accidentally leaving his phone. I sighed staring into the sky as I heard Dipper's phone beep repetitively. I didn't wanna go through his messages, but I was curious.

I grabbed his phone and turned it on. The bright screen hurt my eyes, but it adjusted after a second. I saw the screen name, being Wendy. That bitch from the dance.

"Wendy 🌲💕: Dip! Please answer me! I love with with all my heart please! The was you kissed me was magical; and the way we moved out bodies was amazing. I don't care what everyone else says! ily baby please!"

My eyes teared up as I read that. I then saw a photo Wendy sent a second later with her baby pink bra and underwear only on. Her red hair laced on her back and her green eyes stared into my soul. She was so pretty.

"Wendy 🌲💕 : Like what ya see bab?"

I scrolled up and read his past messages, how he said sure to a date, how she loved him so much. Are they dating? Wait, they went on a date, so yes. Tears rolled down my cheeks and stained my face. Him and I never went on a date.

Walking inside, I put his phone on the counter. I proceeded to cry as I curled up in my bed. I can't stay here. I just can't. I love Dipper so much; but he loves her.

I called Pacifica.

Me: "Hey Pacifica...can I move in with you? For just a little bit? Please?"

Pacifica : "Sure. I'll have the limo pick you up. Be ready in 30 minutes."

Nodding, I turned off my phone and set it on the counter. I tucked my clothing in a few duffle bags, that along with my beauty utensils. I put everything else I would need, for like a week long trip. I put my phone in my pocket and walked to the door.

I put a light blue post it note one the wall, in tailing that I would be staying at Pacifica's, aligned with my phone number and xoxo. The car beeped outside and I smiled. I would escape this, this sad feeling.

I dragged myself outside, and into the car. I hummed along to the music and feel a little when the car stopped to a jerk.

My jaw dropped as I saw the house. The outside was perfectly panted a light purple, with fancy lights set up and bolted into the ground; to guide you when you walk. I grabbed my things and walked inside, a spiral staircase and a chandelier greeting me as I walked in.

There was a white tile of the floor, spotless. I peaked into the living room, which had a diamond incrusted fire place, and velvety couches.

"Welcome," Pacifica strutted out to my view the top of the stairs. Number two and three stood behind her, crossed arms and hips slanted. "To the Northwest Girl's Society home. We are sisters here, and your one as well. I mean, it's like a sorority but for high school. And the school doesn't fund it." She shrugged.

"Upstairs, is your room." She smiled guiding me to follow her.

I did so, my heels clicking on the steps as I walked up. We arrived at a room which was open, the walls painted a light shade of grey. There was a nicely made bed with white sheets, and white furniture. I smiled at the mini sofa and large dresser with a mirror.

"Y/n that's not all." Pacifica smiled.

She opened my closet which was half full with clothing. "I knew you would come, so I arranged this all for you." She smiled. "Now get settled."

Her, Number two and three walked out the door and to their own rooms. The glittering floor awed me, my eyes zoning out. Their focus came back again, and I quickly unpacked. I set up everything, and smiled as I flopped on my bed. I pulled on some sweatpants and crawled into my sheets.

This could be to bad.

Dipper texted me.


Hey? That's it? He is just gonna pretend that none of what he did happened?

I screamed into my pillow and Pacifica walked in. "What's wrong?" she asked.

I explained what had happened, Number two and three walking in and listening as well.

"That dick." Number two said.

"Asshole." Number three flipped her hair.

"Here I got this." Pacifica took my phone and read aloud what she was typing.

"Hey Dipper, so I saw on your phone that you where chatting with Wenbitch. I saw the photos too, and frankly, she isn't your type. I mean come on! Wow, your really have low expectations. I really thought you where better than this, I guess I was wrong. It seemed like everything was fake, as fake as Wendy's ass and boobs. Bye Dipshit." She said and hit send.

"Thanks Pacifica.." I said as I put my phone on its charger.

"No problem." She smiled.

Dipper is gonna be pissed the fuck off.

See what happens next time in...Foster Girl!


Hey guys! Just a little note; this is an AU where Pacifica isn't always a total bitch and Wendy I guess is a flirt? Yeah.

Anyway, see ya next time.

~Lapis Lazuli

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