Chapter 28

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I tightly hugged him, but he still did things with Wendy which he wouldn't ever do to me.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You coming home?"

"Dipper, this is my new home."

Your Perspective

I slightly smiled, making myself more awkward than ever. I was expecting a smile and congratulations from Dipper, but he pulled away showing me his dead eyes and pale face.

"Your doing what?" He said softly, his voice breaking.

"I'm moving in with them." I said biting my lip.

Pacifica comforted me with her soft hand on my shoulder, herself seemingly hoping Dipper wasn't so upset.

"Oh." He said with a long pause. "I'll miss having you around." He sighed; rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah.." I mumbled as I nuzzled into his chest, pulling him into another hug.

"Girls," Pacifica said. "Let's leave these two alone; to have a moment." She guided the two girls away from us, giving me a sympathetic smile.

Dipper sighed. "Well let's go get your furniture. And the rest of your things."

I nodded as we walked home, in dead silence.

A hour and a half later

Dipper sighed, handing me the last box. "I'll miss you Y/n."

I laughed softly. "We still will see one another, I'm not like leaving here forever. We live what, about 5 minutes away? 10 walking distance?"

He shrugged. I would miss cuddling him to sleep, and watching the stars at night though.

Kissing my lips, he walked away and back to his car waving. I blushed veiling my hand over my lips. I heard a few sets of heels walk behind me.

"Such a strained relationship." Pacifica smiled strutting towards me.

"Strained as in..?" I asked.

"You guys love each other but won't do or say shit about it."

( And that's when Pacifica said what everyone was thinking for the past 27 chapters. )

"Oh." I laughed a little. "I mean..he probably likes Wendy..."

Pacifica rolled her eyes at me.
"Whatever Y/n.."

I yawned. "I'm tired...can I go to bed?"

"It's 5:30, Yn." She crossed her arms. "Dinner."

"Oh..." I said as she pointed upstairs. "Get dressed, the come back down." She sighed.

"What's wrong with what in wearing?" I asked.

"Your not even dressed. You've been in sweatpants all day. Plus I wanna hit the town tonight."

"Fine." I sighed. "Wouldn't it make more sense if I did it after dinner? Like what if I spill something."

"Y/N WE HAVE NAPKINS DAMN IT" she said and I shrugged.

"Fine, fine..whatever just come in the kitchen. " she sighed.

I nodded and followed her, gasping at the beautifully set table. A velvet cloth covered it, and glass dishes. We all sat down, and started to eat dinner. I ate my soup and glanced around.

20 minutes later.

I looked over my outfit, which was a glittery, short, dark f/c dress. The black heels hurt my feet, but whatever. Pacifica insisted that we all wore black thin tights under our dresses. They all wore their distinctive colors as dresses, Pacifica's dress looking simply stunning.

"Let's go out girls." She smiled as we all walked down the stairs. We all had our hair straightened, a small section curled for me and Pacifica. Number two had earmuffs on, although it wasn't that cold out. Number two flipped her dark curls as Number three fixed her red hair.

We got into the Limo once it pulled up. It drove slow, than quick. We fell back on our seats as it did.

"What's happening?!" Number three exclaimed.

"Shut up number three!" Pacifica shouted. "Something must have gone wrong with the driver.."

All of a sudden, we fell forward with a thud. Our seat belts kept us from crashing into the wall, but the windows did smash on impact. I brushed the glass off of me, and so did everyone else. Number three got out of the car, screaming about her ripped blue dress.

She ran her hands through her red hair, calming herself down. Number two fixed her earmuffs and walked to see what happened. She turned the corner and let out an ear piercing shriek.

"HE'S DEAD!" She screamed about the driver.

See what happens next in...Foster Girl!

Foster Girl ★ ( Dipper x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now