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Okay so a few things.

First, this is a book two. The first book is called Loving the Fighter and can be found on my profile.

Secondly, all previous trigger warnings apply.

And lastly, things are going to be a bit different this time around.

It's no secret that Jax was the main character of LTF but in this one, all five of them are. So we'll get a lot more of everyone's POV.

Along with that, chapters are going to be longer so I can hopefully but down on chapters this time around. This means updates might not come quite as frequently but as all of you know by now, I still update a lot.

And just one more thing, please don't be rude to me, my characters, or others in the comments.

Trauma is effects everyone differently and that's what this whole book is about.

Thank you for your time,

Emma Rose

Jax's POV

"How do I look," I asked no one in particular as I walked over to the mirror in the bathroom.

"Sexy as always," Ryder teased, making me glare at him a bit as I attempted to sooth a wrinkle out of the shirt.

"It's a tattoo shop babe," Liam said as he looked up from the box he was unpacking while handing stuff to Ryder so he could put it away. "You look a amazing but if anything you might be over dressed."

"Great, and now I don't have time to change," I say with a groan as I try to wipe some of the sleep out of my eyes.

I had to be at the tattoo shop I was going to be apprenticing at in a few minutes and because I had over slept there wasn't time to do anything else.

It's not exactly my fault that I over slept though.

I mean we had an actual king sized bed that we all easily fit in and it felt like sleeping on clouds. How could you not over sleep in that thing?

I couldn't help but jump a bit when someone came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulders.

"You look amazing, sexy, and badass," Callum said as he pulled my hand away from the wrinkle I was trying to get out before going to the collar of my shirt. "This isn't an interview. You already get to learn there, no you just need to make a good impression." He while making sure my collar was lying down.

"I don't tend to make good impressions," I grumbled as my hands went to my hair, trying to get the bed head out of it.

"Yet people like you anyway," Ryder said happily. "That's how you know you're a likable person."

"You're going to do be amazing," Callum said again as his lips went down to my neck and began to suck, no doubt leaving a hickey right below the collar.

"And now I have a hickey," I groaned as I pushed him off.

"Like Ryder said," Callum, whispered, his free hand sliding down to grab my ass. "You look insanely sexy. I need to let all the straight girls and curious males know that you're taken."

I only roll my eyes as I step away from him while I push a blush down.

"Well I need to head out. I'll be back in an hour or so I guess. If you guys are going to leave, leave a note please so I don't freak out."

"We will," Liam assured as he got up and give me a quick kiss. "Good luck. You'll do great."

I only mumbled out a thanks as I walked out the door. I think Ryder said something else but I didn't hear him.

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