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Bram's POV

I can't help but sigh to myself when I realize I woke up in the body the next morning.

Kyra was luckily on the couch but Carter and Jax were still nowhere to be found. If I had to guess I would say they were still in Carter's room but there was no point in thinking about that.

All that really mattered was that I was the only one here to front since they other two were having a break down and Kyra is trying to help both of them and me at the same time.

Jax and Carter are fine, Kyra assured and I could tell she was smiling like always. Just focus on staying calm today. If you get too panicked though try to give us a heads up so we can get Jax up here in enough time.

I forced myself to take a deep breath as I sat up on the couch.

Last night was terrible.

All I had felt was that Carter was having a panic attack and I came to try and help but I didn't even have a chance to say anything before he was forcing me up front.

I hadn't even noticed he had done it at first but when I realized it, I was surrounded by all of their boyfriends. While I knew now that their boyfriends wouldn't hurt any of us, they were still kind of scary; especially Callum. Liam wasn't terrible but I still didn't overly like him. I didn't like how much his lie affected Jax and Carter.

"I see you're awake already this morning," Ryder said happily as he walked into the kitchen but I only nodded.

I liked him more than the others but that was only because he talked in a calm voice and seemed to be happy most of the time.

"Do you want some breakfast? Callum and Liam will be up soon and they'll be hungry so if you want to eat, you should probably do it before they get here unless you don't mind eating with them."

It's whatever you want to do, Kyra said gently as if she sensed my hesitation.

'Would they be mad if I didn't wait?'

Of course not, they just want to make you feel more comfortable. But either way, you need to stop pinching your lip.

I frown to myself as I forced my hand back down to my side.

I had picked up on the stupid habit from Jax. Whenever he was stressed in the inner world he always rubbed his bottom lip but he was able to reserve the habit for only the inner world. I on the other hand didn't seem to have that ability and always seemed to pinch mine instead.

"I can wait," I mumbled after a while of Ryder just staring at me.

He smiled before going back to whatever task he was trying to do while I awkwardly sat on there.

Callum and Liam were awake only a few minutes later. They both tumbled into the living room looking half asleep. Callum was carrying Liam on his back as he lazily maneuvered around the couch and tables before dropping Liam into a random dining chair and coming help Ryder.

"Well good morning to you too," Ryder teased as he handed Callum a cup of coffee. He only mumbled a thank you while I'm pretty sure Liam went back to sleep on the table.

"How are Jax and Carter today," Liam mumbled into the table so I guess he wasn't quite asleep yet.

Shaken but they seem to be all right. Carter is going through a depressive spell right now. Jax is trying to help but nothing seems to be working so far.

"Jax is okay," I said as I forced myself to not shrink back into the couch. My voice comes out shakier than I would have liked but at least I was able to actually talk to them this morning. "Carter is having a hard time though."

"Will Jax be able to go to work today or do we need to call Dayton and real quick?" Callum asked with a raised eyebrow before taking a long sip of his coffee.

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