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Jax's POV

"How are you feeling about the court date tomorrow," Andrew asked as he shifted uncomfortably on our couch.

He had been at the hospital when we all went for a visit and since he hadn't had dinner yet, Ryder invited him back to the apartment. Sadly that also seemed to mean we were about to have an unplanned session. Or maybe it was planned all along and this had been Andrew's goal the whole time.

"I'm nervous," I admit as I leaned in Callum, who was rubbing my hair while Liam and Ryder did the dishes.

"If you can, single out what makes you the most nervous."

"Just seeing my dad in general. I'm afraid of what Carter is going to do when he sees him. If my dad so much as gets into Carter's face I wouldn't be surprised of Carter killed him before anyone had the chance to pry him off."

Andrew frowned as he nodded.

"I haven't seen Carter in a while, what is he most nervous about?"

Carter only scoffs as he finally stops pacing for the first time since we left the hospital.

As if there is only one major problem that we have right now.

"He says he can't narrow it down," I rephrase so it at least sounded a little nicer.

"What would help you personally tomorrow? I know it's a bit short notice but anything you need, we can do as long as you tell us."

My hand gripped Callum's tighter as I debated on whether or not this was a good idea.

"I want you, Patrick, Seth, and Jem there if possible," I sigh after a while. "You and Seth might help keep us from switching as often and it might keep Carter from freaking out. Patrick and Jem should be able to keep Carter in check if anything goes wrong. At the very least I think they could get him off before he does too much damage."

"I can't speak for Jem or Seth but Patrick and I were already planning on being there. I don't know how to get ahold of Jem though."

"I don't have his number," Liam announced as he wiped his hands off on a dishtowel while leaning up against the wall. "I already checked his old number too, he disconnected it so I'm at a loss."

"Well I'm sure your lawyer will have it so don't worry, we'll get him there," Andrew said with a small smile.

"Is there anything else we can do," Callum asked as his hand continued to play with my hair.

"Not really," I sighed. "The only other thing I can think of is not getting into foster care and I've already been told too many times that it's going to happy regardless so there's nothing else."

"I know it doesn't help right now, but Seth and I will talk to your case worker as soon as one is assigned to you. We'll try to reason with them and try to give you a foster family that will suit you the best." I only nod. It feels like all I hear from him at this point was that he'd try his best.

I appreciated it of course but it didn't help the growing dread that began to well up in my chest with every passing day. I was just ready for all of this to be over at this point.

We feel into silence as Ryder came in from the kitchen. He was about to take a seat beside me until I opened my arms. I didn't have to say anything else before he was crawling into my lap while Liam took the place that Ryder was originally headed for.

Liam forced all of us to shift as he pulled my legs onto his lap. Callum was pushed to the fair end of the couch while my head lay on his thighs while Ryder now straddled my hips but his head rested on my chest.

"You make things so complicated," I teased as I stared down at Liam. He only let a smile cross his face as began massaging my calves.

"Yet you still love me," he teases back but I only rolled my eyes.

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