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Jax's POV

Things were honestly starting to get better for all of us.

Carter got put on depression meds since Seth thought he needed them, Liam was doing good in college, Ryder's mom was slowly getting stronger and cancer wasn't spreading. I was doing pretty good, Callum's patients were slowly wearing down but if that was our only down side, we were doing.

After months of us just trying to keep our heads above water without camp, things were finally getting better.

It's been a week since Ryder's mom had her surgery and we were all becoming hopeful at this point.

Ryder had already made plans for the guest bedroom in the apartment so we could turn it into his mother's room while she recovered. Without all of the medical bills coming in we would be able to support her too so she won't have to get a job until she was fully healed.

Sure there was the small problem of us having to sneak around in order to have sex but if it meant that Ryder was happy then all of us were okay with it.

"Your designs are looking better again," Dayton, noted as he flipped through the sketchbook he gave me while I nibbled at my lunch. "Keep this up and you'll be out doing me before long."

"Well that's the hope at least," I teased. "The better I get the more I can charge," I point out.

"That's true as long as it is still affordable. People only care about quality if they can pay for it without an arm or a leg."

I hummed while finishing the last little bit of food before throwing it away.

"As long as I make enough to keep the lights on, that's all I care about. I guess that's the good thing about having three boyfriends, you have three extra pay checks coming in."

"No need to rub it in," Dayton huffed. "How's Ryder's mom doing?"

"She's getting better every day. I honestly didn't think it would happen but everything is looking good."

"I'm happy for all of you. It's about time you five were able to catch a break."

I shrugged as I reached my hand out for the sketchbook so I could continue.

That was about how the rest of the day went.

Dayton and I made small talk in between appointments while I worked on designs. Soft music played in the background, which we've learned helps keep Carter and Bram calm even when the shop starts getting a bit loud.

"I'm trying to get you out a little early so you can get the hospital so when you get done with this one you can leave for the day," Dayton said as he began wiping down his station.

"Sounds good. I'm almost done anyway."

And that was that.

I left only a few minutes later and began walking the familiar way to the hospital. I'll honestly be glad when we don't have to walk here every day.

We had an apartment now but we always stayed at the hospital now and it was starting to suck. I missed my bed. I missed sleeping with all of my boyfriends.

The bed and couch here had large gap in the middle of them, even if you pushed the together so we were stuck switching out boyfriends every night and while that wasn't terrible, it wasn't ideal.

I've gotten used to having Callum sleeping behind me with Liam or Ryder in front so without one or the other I've been having some trouble sleeping. It's not as bad as it was back at camp but it still wasn't ideal.

I sighed to myself as I stepped into the patient room.

Ryder and Liam were already there. Ryder was brushing his mom's hair while Liam was doing schoolwork so he wouldn't get behind. I was honestly surprised he took school this seriously. Back at camp it always seemed like school was a chore but he seemed to not mind it now.

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