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Ryder's POV

When I woke up I had almost forgotten everything that happened last night but when I opened my eyes and noticed where we were, everything hit me like a ton of bricks.

The simple thought of my mother being downstairs in a morgue right now made me want to throw up. I couldn't stand the thought of it. I was ready to get her out of there.

I sat up on Jax's chest before swinging my legs off the couch and onto the floor.

"What are you doing up so early," Carter grumbled as he stared at me. His eyes were mostly shut while his fingers moved to comb his bed head.

"What time is it?"

"Like 9," he groaned. I couldn't help but give out a small chuckle at how much he hated mornings.

I looked around the room and noticed Andrew and our other boyfriends were missing.

"Where did they disappear to," I asked, knowing they probably woke up when the door opened and closed.

"I'm not sure. They left like an hour ago. I think they were trying to not wake us up. I didn't work." He flashed me a small grin at the last sentence before sitting up and following me out of the room.

Our boyfriends weren't far. They opted for sitting right outside the door in the somewhat uncomfortable looking chairs while Andrew joined them in the floor like a heathen.

All three of them had different brochures and pamphlets in their hands and barely even noticed when Carter and I stepped out.

"What are you looking at," I asked with a small frown as I looked over Callum's shoulder to try and get a better look.

Dollar signs surrounded the small page while a few choice words popped out to me; casket, tombstone, engraving, and urn just being a few.

"Did you know that the average funeral costs about $7,000," Liam asked rhetorically as he sighed and put down the pamphlet he was holding.

My eyes went wide at the number; I'm pretty sure my heart stopped for a second.

"Which one of these did you rip that number out of," Carter asked with an obvious frown.

"Surprisingly none. Heard it on a commercial a few years ago."

"You can remember that but you forget that I told you to get milk on your way home," Callum sighed as he rubbed his eyes but Liam only shrugged.

When no one said anything else the hallway became quiet. A few doctors came to pass and did a wide sweep around Andrew but other than that, they didn't pay us any attention.

Three young looking people sitting here with funeral information papers and no one batted an eye about it, as if it were the most normal thing on earth.

"You said she wanted to be cremated," Andrew asked in a small voice as he placed his paper on the floor but he didn't meet my eyes.

"How much is that going to cost," I asked as I bit my lip. I doubted I even wanted to know at this point.

"It could be anywhere from 800 to 2,000 for our state," Andrew whispered as he shifted uncomfortably on the floor. "It depends on the home you go to and if you want a visitation service."

"I don't want a service," I decide quickly.

She had no one other than me to see her off. A service would just be a mostly empty room as he body begins to decay. I don't think I could handle that.

"How much would that get us down to?"

"About 1,000 depending on what urn you would like and still what home you want to use."

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