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Liam's POV

After a week of nothing I can't help but feel a little better when I see Jem leaning against the side the Target wall when I'm done with my shift. He had a cigarette between his lips while he focused on his phone.

He looked up with a glare when he felt eyes on him but smiled when he noticed it was just me.

"I thought I had taught you manners," he teased as he pushed off the wall and began walking to the apartment. "Did I fail to teach you that staring is rude?"

"You sound like Jax too much some times," I said with an eye roll as I followed after him.

"It's not my fault your boyfriend is polite. Maybe if we're lucky he'll rub off on you a bit."

I would love for him to rub off on me but it would take more than luck to pull that off.

"Speaking of boyfriends, none of them are home. Do you want to come in for a bit today? Then maybe you could stay for dinner?"

Jem took a long drag before thumping off the remaining ashes and shoving the butt in his pocket.

This was honestly the only reason I tolerate him smoking. He maybe damaging his insides but at least he didn't just throw the butts down whenever he wanted.

"I don't know. Those three big ones don't seem to like me. I wouldn't want to make them hate me."

"Yea but they'll never like you if you don't give them the chance."

"And what about Carter? Callum and Jax seem to be able to put it aside for now but Carter looks like he's ready to beat the shit out of me the first chance he gets."

"He doesn't like anyone he first meets but you running off isn't going to help." I have to hold back a laugh at the pout that works it's way onto Jem's face. "Unless you're afraid of him, in which case we have bigger problems; like how you turned into a wimp without me."

Jem's pout turned into a glare as he looked up at the building, still weighing over his options.

"I'll come in for a little bit but I don't know about dinner. That will all depend on Carter."

My smile widens as I lead him into the building and up to our apartment.

I mentally thank Jax and Callum for being neat freaks so at least everything is clean and we didn't have to worry about being embarrassed by a mess.

I shoot a quick text in the group chat letting everyone know that Jem was here just to prepare them as Jem moves around the apartment tensely as he takes in everything.

"You like it," I asked as I sat down on the couch while he opted for the floor. He's always been weird about sitting on furniture.

"Yea it looks pretty good. I was honestly expecting more of a mess considering you live here."

"Yea well Jax and Callum do all the cleaning. They hate a dirty house."

"With enough time I think these boyfriends of yours might turn you into a decent human." I only scowl at him as I get up and walk to the kitchen.

"You still drink Dr. Pepper, right," I asked as I pulled water out of the fridge for me and a can for him.

"Only when Devon buys them for me," he admits as he took the can from me. "He's started some weird ass juice thing so that's pretty much all we have at the moment. I think Barrett is going to kill him over it soon."

"I wouldn't have been thrilled about it either but why not just go to the store by yourself and get something?"

"You think I know my credit card number?" He asked boredly.

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