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Carter's POV

My nerves began to pile up as Andrew drives us closer to the new therapist's building. I had been up front all day purely because Jax was tired of living in slow motion for the third week in a row and because Bram didn't want to front in front of Callum still. I'm just glad that this was our day off this week so I didn't have to work.

I think Jax is kind of mad at me though for wanting to come here. Or at the very least is annoyed but he didn't try to talk me out of it, which made me feel a little better. His only condition was that he didn't have to front any of the time here and that Andrew had to sit in as a guide to what would trigger us in a bad way. I thought that was a pretty good idea.

"Are you ready?" Andrew asked when he put the car in park. I only nod as I stepped out and looked at the building.

It was a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be; it even had two floors. When Andrew told me about this, I thought his friend was going to have a home office like him, not be apart of some therapist mafia.

The inside looked a lot more impressive though. The carpet looked like some expensive design and quality, all of the waiting chairs were brown leather, and the air smelled like old wood and old people. It even had a receptionist desk with an angry looking woman.

I didn't really like it here anymore.

"Why don't you go find a chair real quick, I'll go check us in at the desk," Andrew said gently but before I could say anything else he was gone.

You doing okay up there, Jax asked hesitantly. I know I said I didn't want to front, but I will if I need to.

'I'm okay. I kind of want to go home though.'

Give it a few more minutes. It might be better when you get into the office and away from everyone else.

My knee bounces as Andrew and I wait for his friend to finally show interest in me. I don't even know how long we wait until he finally comes out but I must have zoned out during it because eventually I looked up and saw Andrew talking to a man I've never seen before.

"Ready to get started," Andrew asked with a small smile as he gestured for me to get up. Seth leads the way but just before we step into the office, Andrew gently grabs me by the elbow as he starts whispering. "If it gets to be too much, just say so and we'll leave." I only nod as I kept walking.

I have to admit, the office was a lot nicer; it looked a lot more modern and smelled like lavender. It still had the same ugly carpet but the desk was black rather than the old brown wooden desk that the receptionist desk. The patient couch was a lot like the one in the front room but it was a lot more comfortable.

"Seth, this is Carter," Andrew said as he sat down on the couch with me. "He's the primary protector of their system as well as a trauma holder."

"It's nice to meet you Carter," Seth said with a warm smile before sitting down in his own chair. Seth was a lot better than Dayton, or even Andrew. He was short, no more than 5'5, had barely any muscles, and his eyes held nothing but happiness. If anything happened I would be able to take him with only a few hits and I liked that.

"Andrew tells me there are only three of you right now?"

"Yea, there's me, Jax, he's the host, and then Bram, but I don't know what he's supposed to do."

"And Bram only appeared a few weeks ago? It's a bit uncommon for system of your age to only one alter for so long." I only shrug because I didn't know how he wanted me to answer that.

"How well do you think you three are doing at working together as a system?"

"Jax and I are doing great. He's only known about me for about 6 months but I still think we are doing a pretty good job."

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