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Callum's POV

I had been waiting for Monday all weekend but now that it was finally here I was kind of nervous.

I start my first shift at the coffee shop in a few minutes and while I'm not usually a nervous person, it seemed like today would be the exception.

"Has anyone seen my deodorant," Jax called out as he stepped out of the shower.

"No babe, just use mine," Liam yelled back as he came to fix my hair but I bat his hand away.

"My hair is fine," I say with an eye roll.

"Maybe I just wanted to play with it," he said with a small pout.

"Sorry babe but I'm already a bit late. You can play with when I get back tonight."

"No I can't. I'll be at work when you get back."

"Yea but only for another half hour after that. You can until then," I say with a smirk before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Now I got to go before I'm actually late. I'll bring back food when I come back."

On the bright side, the apartment wasn't too far from everyone's job. All of them were within walking distance so we didn't have to worry about getting cars any time soon since Liam could take a train to school.

I ended up getting to the coffee shop a few minutes before I was supposed to clock in.

"Hello, welcome to The Coffee Nook. Any idea what you want today?" A tan guy behind the counter asked as soon as I walked in.

"I'm Callum, I'm supposed to start working here today."

"Oh you're the one Colby hired from that camp?" He asked, as he looked me up and down before frowning a bit. "I heard you killed someone so they sent you there."

That honestly made my blood boil a bit.

"I didn't kill anyone," I said with a small glare as I hold back a scoff.

"Then what were you there for?"

"Listen," I say with a forced smile as I put a hand on his shoulder. I could almost feel the panic coming off of him. "I got a little word of advice for you, unless you want to get punched in the face, don't ask questions like that."

The guy only nodded as he took a step away from me.

"Noted. I guess I'll show you everything real quick."

"Yea, you do that," I huffed out as I stepped behind the counter.

Great. I had been here for about three second and I already had to threaten someone. This was going to be great.

"I'm Tanner by the way," he said as he handed me an apron. "You said your Callum right? You'll get a nametag some time next week. Colby is going to want to meet with you before you actually start though. Let me show you to his office real quick."

I honestly wanted to choke slam this guy. He talked entirely too much and was way too nosey.

I follow him into the back anyway, almost dreading talking to the boss.

"Don't worry, Colby is a pretty nice guy. He only tends to yell when someone yells at him first so just don't yell and you'll be good." I only have time to nod before he's shoving me into the room and slamming the door behind me.

"I see you met Tanner," Colby said as he stood up from his desk, a small smile covering his face. "I hope he hasn't gotten on your bad side yet."

"Is he always like that," I ask with a chuckle to try and clear the air.

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