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Callum's POV

It was late by the time the surgery was done and we were all pretty tired. This day just seemed to drag on.

We had all gotten up pretty late anyway and almost immediately went to Carter's appointment so by the time we got back it was already noon. Ryder had gotten the call about 12:30 so we have been here since 1. The decision making and surgery had taken a good two and a half since they were trying to go slow and make sure there were no complications so it was passed 3 by the time Ryder's mom even got back to us. 

We were lucky so many of us were dating Ryder to be honest since he was constantly sending us off to do things.

Liam getting sent to go get snacks, Jax going on coffee runs, me taking him to the bathroom so he wouldn't be alone; it was all a lot of running around and while it was worth it if it made Ryder feel better, it did little to help us keep the cheery mood after the day all of us had.

But we all still did every task with a smile on our face for his sake. I knew the only reason he was doing it was to keep his mind off of what had been happening. That and he was trying to keep us from getting bored.

By 6 Jax and Liam seemed to be tasked out for the day and along with the Ryder's stress induced grumpiness, things were starting to get a little tense in our patient room even though her surgery went well and now we just had to wait for her to build strength for her new treatment plan.

"They have a shower in our bathroom right," Jax asked from his place in a random waiting chair. His hair was all over the place and he looked a few seconds away from falling asleep.

"Yea it does," Liam mumbled from beside him, looking nearly as bad as him. "I have some soap and shampoo in my bag if you want it."

"Then I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to join," he asked Ryder with a small teasing smirk. For a second it looked like he was about to tell him no but then a smile of his own crossed his face before he stood up.

"I just want a shower. Is that okay?" Jax's smirk turned into a loving smirk as he pulled Ryder into his arms before carrying.

"That's always okay," he whispered as he walked past me and into the bathroom.

"They're so cute," Liam mumbled once the door was shut. "But they forgot their clothes."

"Jax will come out and get them when they're done," I waved off as I leaned back farther into my chair. Now that Ryder was out of sight I let my fake smile drop. I was a fucking tired and he hadn't even done anything today.

Liam only hummed before sighing.

"What are we going to do if something happens," he asked as he rubbed his face. "Just because the surgery went well doesn't mean we are in the clear. Something could happen with the treatment plan or she might end up not being any stronger even with the stents in her heart, in which case there's nothing they can do."

I hadn't allowed myself to think about that especially while Ryder was here in case my face gave away what I was thinking but now that he wasn't here, I was with Liam.

"Well first we'll sell my left kidney for the funeral," I joke in attempt to lighten the mood. "Then we'll be there for Ryder as he mourns like we always are."

"I can't believe his parent is the one with the health problems. Why did it have to be the only good parent out of all of us? If our moms had been the one dying we would all be singing our praises at this point."

"I don't know," I sighed as I rubbed my face before looking over to Ryder's mom.

She actually looked a lot like him. They had the same hair, same nose, same skin tone; the only thing Ryder must have gotten from his dad was his eyes since Ryder used to always tell us about his mom's green eyes compared to his brown ones.

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