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Just want to remind everyone that I am a writer, not a lawyer. So let's put out imagination caps on for a minute.

Jax's POV

He didn't look how I remembered him somehow.

He still had the same black hair that I got from him. His eyes were brown and his skin was still an olive color but something about him was just wrong.

Maybe it was the smile he had. I had been so long since he actually smiled at me. Maybe it was just that stupid smile.

What ever it was, I'm just glad that Bram and Kyra weren't here to see it. If I could help it, I didn't want them to ever be anywhere near that man.

"We're already late so let' get this started. The defendant will go first so Mr. Young, you have the floor."

A sick smile covered his lawyer's face as straightened his tie and stood up from his chair.

"We're claiming mental illness as our defense," I scowled at that. They already played on our DID, couldn't they pick something else to insult? "My client was in mental distress. His wife had just left him to raise a son all on his own. At that time he was seeing a therapist for anger management and for depression. He stopped going to his sessions when his therapist deemed his problems were fixed. Since his own therapist agreed that he was safe, there's no reason to believe anything Jaxon claims is true. Many abuse victims have a long line of medical records but Jaxon has barely any and the few he does have are all related to school fighting. This is clearly just teenage rebellion and my client won't stand for it anymore. He's ready to have his son back home, your honor."

I fought back a scoff at that but at least the judge didn't seem to buy it that much either.

"And the prosecutors?"

"Our trail is rooted in fact," Reece began. "Jax has been mistreated for the majority of his young life and it was because of the man who was supposed to protect and nurture him. Jax and Carter both see separate licensed therapists and if you asked either of them right now what happened to these boys, you would get the same heartbreaking answer; these children were abused and were used for as terrible things. Jax was abused and Carter was forced to hurt people for money. That's the sad truth."

Judge Hickman only hummed as she looked down at the file on her desk before looking me dead in the eyes.

"Well I'll be honest," she began before moving over to stare my dad down. "I run my courtroom differently than most judges. I want statements from both of you, uninterrupted, and without additions from the lawyers. Once that is over I will allow the lawyers to question the apposing clients then I'll ask any questions I may need, and then I'll decide what happens from there. So let's start with the defending, Mr. Young, you have the floor."

Hickman's eyes stared down my father, almost as if she were daring him to lie to her face.

My dad took a shaky deep breath before opening his mouth but the moment he began talking I wanted to throw a chair at him.

"When Jaxon's mom left, things got hard for me. I doubled up on my therapy sessions but they didn't always help. Raising a son with help is hard but when you're doing it by yourself it's even harder. He began acting out a school and I had to become the hard parent instead of the fun dad. I'll admit I may have gone over board with a few punishments but nothing that could be considered abuse."

His eyes watered as if he was about to cry but I knew my dad well enough to know it was an act. My eyes darted back to Hickman to see if she picked up on it as well but her face remained emotionless as she stared him down.

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