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Carter's POV

"It's been a few weeks since our last session," Seth said with a smile after he had led me into his office before taking a seat behind his desk. "How would you say you've been since then? Has anything interesting happened?"

I honestly didn't know where to start. The whole Liam and Jem situation was out. I doubted Seth would be as easy going as Andrew when it came to gang and other illegal activity such as me threating Jem's life.

That only left my nightmare from the other night and Kyra's appearance, and the small fight we had but since that also included Jem and Liam, I shied away from that. Considering I didn't know him well enough for the nightmare and he was technically just our DID doctor, I chose to stick with Kyra.

"We have a new alter. Her name is Kyra. She's been helping a lot with Bram." He hummed at that but said nothing as if he were waiting for me to add more but I didn't know what else to say. "Bram has been slightly less annoying since then and hasn't accidently fronted at all."

"And how have you been doing?" I shrug but judging from the small glare he gave me, he doesn't like that answer.

"Like I said, Bram being less annoying helped a lot. Jax doesn't really like Kyra but they are slowly getting used to each other. I don't really mind her. She doesn't really talk to me or Jax unless we are fighting."

"You already told me about Bram and Kyra," he said gently as he watched me carefully. "It's nice to hear about Jax but I want to hear about you. How have you been?"

"Alright I guess. Nothing DID related really happened to me other than what I already said."

I didn't like the way he was staring at me. It was like he was trying to look into my head and I didn't appreciate it. His stare made anxiety well up in my chest while my hands played with themselves under the desk.

"I'm not just hear for DID," Seth said with a sad voice for some reason. "Some systems benefit from having separate therapists. And some 'regular' people benefit from having two therapists just in general. I know you and Jax won't trust me as much as you trust Andrew, at least not right now. My hope is that the four of us can work together. Andrew could mostly be for your trauma since he already knows most of it I assume, I would be here for your anxiety and anger and anything else you want to share with me.

"Andrew warned me that you had a tendency to put other's needs above your own. That's something else I hope we can work on. So unless it is also one of your problems that you actually want to talk about, I don't really want to discuss the system."

"I thought that was the whole reason I was here though? Because Andrew doesn't know how to deal with us. How will that help the system if you are only seeing me?"

"You and Jax are the most active alters in the system," he pointed out as if I didn't already know that. "The hope is that Andrew will mostly take Jax unless you need him, and I will mostly take you unless any other alter needs me for a session or two. Hopefully this way we don't have to break our sessions into two halves so you can both be heard."

I can't help but frown at that.

I really think that it could be a good idea. This way all alters, including me and Jax could get lost during each other's session and we don't have to worry about hurting anyone on accident. At the same time though, we haven't talked about prices yet.

If we did this, Seth would probably want to see me once a week too like Andrew does for us right now but he couldn't afford that. Hell, I'm sure we would barely be able to afford coming once a month like we were doing now.

I'm about to leave because you have a point about privacy and everything but you already heard Callum. Jax said as he stood up from the couch. If this is something you need, we'll figure it out.

And with that last nagging thought, he was gone. I still wasn't convinced though. His therapist was free so he didn't get to have an opinion.

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