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Carter's POV

My jaw clenched as I glared at the courthouse in front of me as I leaned against Andrew's car.

Jax was freaking out as he watched from the couch as we waited for Jem to show up.

We had been waiting for half an hour already but since we got here early, we didn't really expect for him to be here yet but as it got closer to 11, I was honestly starting to give up.

'What did you honestly expect Jax? He knows I don't like him and he doesn't overly like us. He just hangs out with us for Liam.'

Patrick said he was coming, he insisted but he didn't seem very convinced of what he was saying.

I only hummed as my fists balled up.

"Should we just go in and find Seth," I asked after a few more minutes. Seth advised that we get there a few minutes early so everyone could find seats and so Seth and I could go over the plan one more time.

Patrick sighed as he rubbed his face before putting on a fake smile.

"If that's what you want then we can. It's probably not a bad idea at this point," he said but he still scanned the small road for Jem's car.

I only nod as I pushed myself off Andrew's car. Callum and Ryder followed me lead while Liam tried to take my hand but I brush him off before he even has a chance.

"That's probably not a good idea today," I admit sadly as I stared at the ground.

Just the thought of my boyfriends touching me in front of Jax's dad was enough to make me start panicking.

"That's okay," Callum soothed. "We can be coupley when you get done because you aren't going anywhere." I only nodded as a black car pulls into the parking lot a bit too fast before stopping immediately when it got in between the parking space.

I couldn't help but glare at the car until Jem stepped out of the back seat, cussing loudly at the person who was driving while Liam stared at the car with a smile.

"Barrett can you not drive like a mad man for three seconds," another guy said calmly as he stepped out of the front passenger side.

His blond hair covered up part of his eyes but he didn't seem to mind. He was a bit shorter than Jem but not by too much, he was a lot tanner than him though, not like that was hard.

His attention turned to Liam but he only matched my boyfriend's smile.

"But it's so fun to see Jem freak out," the driver dismissed with a wide smile as he closed the door and locked it before throwing the key to Jem.

His brown hair was all over this place and his green eyes seemed to bounce around to everything, never focusing on one thing until he landed on Liam. Unlike his friend, he didn't stop with a small smile and instead went for all out running towards my boyfriend.

I couldn't help but tighten my fist as his arms wrapped around Liam but when he returned the hug, I forced myself to calm down, especially when they split up again.

"Jesus Christ I think you managed to grow more," Barrett said as he ruffled Liam's hair, making him frown and punch him in the stomach.

"Calm yourself before I make you wait in the car," the calm one said boredly as he and Jem came up. "It is nice to see you again though."

"I thought you said I couldn't see them," Liam asked skeptically.

"I did, but after last night, they refused to let me come alone," Jem sighed before looking over to me. "I hope you don't mind. If you do they can wait in the car."

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