Chapter 1 | Former Rivals

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"So Milly," Hailey began, swallowing down a sip of her water, "Have you written your first letter to Elliot yet?"

The guitarist's face darkened at the topic of her crush. Staring down at the ground, she murmured, "Not yet..."

"Come on!" Zander exclaimed, "Just go for it! What's the worst that can happen?!"

Narrowing her eyes, Milly quickly turned towards him, "That's bold, coming from someone who waited 11 years to confess to his crush."

Zander opened his mouth, yet no sound escaped. A brief silence came across the friend group, the sounds of the other students in the lunchroom muffled out. Sean then spoke up, "I was thinking, what if we all went to the mall sometime?"

Hailey smiled at the older boy's comment, "Sounds fun!" She beamed, before suddenly getting an idea, "How about we invite Jake? And his friends?" She suggested.

Zander's face immediately scrunched up at his step-sister's proposal, "Do we have to invite them?" He snarled.

"Oh, come on, Zander!" The teal-haired girl groaned, "I thought you were on good terms with Drew now!"

Her brother scoffed in response, leaning forward and crossing his arms, "Good is a bit of a strong word. Sure, he doesn't constantly bully me anymore, but it's not like we're friends or anything."

"Well," Luke softly spoke, joining the conversation, "I'm proud of you for giving him a second chance," He grinned, placing a gentle peck onto his boyfriend's forehead, to which the pianist's face flushed.

"But isn't hanging out with Drew gonna help you grow more comfortable with him around?" Sean asked.

"I suppose," Zander grumbled, "Still..."

"So, when is this hang out thing?" Milly asked, poking around at her untouched lasagna.

"I was thinking Saturday?" The senior said, his tone coming off more like a question.

"Hey, guys!"

The club quickly turned around, to see none other than their male lead singer beaming back at them, his lunch tray in hand.

Though she wasn't exactly sure why, Hailey's face immediately lit up upon seeing the hickory-eyed boy. She greeted him back and motioned for him to sit down next to her, to which he quickly did.

"So, what are you all talking about?" Jake asked, settling down in his chair.

"Oh, we were making plans to go to the mall this weekend," Luke explained, softly smiling, "Speaking of which, I believe I'm free, by the way," He then proclaimed, turning towards Sean.

"Yeah, me too," Milly added.

"I think Zander and I are also," Hailey affirmed, before turning towards the blond-haired boy who had just sat down with them, "What about you, Jake? Do you think you can come?"

"Oh, I think so!" The latter exclaimed, before his warm smile slowly faded, "Um, if it's alright with you, do you think I could invite Drew and the others?" He faltered, before quickly adding, "I've just been hanging out with you guys a lot recently, I feel kind of bad for ditching them."

Hailey could immediately see her brother's face scrunch up, a clear sign of annoyance, he clearly wasn't too pleased with the question.

"I'm sure that'll be fine, Jake!" Luke replied, showing his familiar bright smile, before glancing down at his boyfriend, "Right, Zander?"

"Yeah, whatever," The mentioned boy grumbled.

"Um, hey..." A familiar deep voice murmured. Just then, all eyes were averted towards the sound. There stood Drew, Liam and Henry hovering behind him.

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