The Abandoned Book 2

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It's been over a year since I finished this.

I never intended to share this but everyday I get more comments rioting about how Hailey and Kingsley got together and people claiming that it's an oc x character fanfic therefore it's cringe.

I'm not sure if I ever publicly shared this but this story was meant to have a second book. Between losing interest in the series faster than my grades plummet and trying to disassociate from an overall toxic fandom, that never happened.

But, since many people were upset about the fate of this story, I decided I'd share with you the plot/some key details about what was supposed to be The Love Letter Games Book 2.

It's meant to take place about a decade after the series ends. Almost everyone has grown apart and rarely see each other.

The story starts when we get a glimpse into everyone's lives now, (not actually everyone, there's about 11 of the characters) and they all receive a letter. Basically, Sadie and Zoey are getting married, and invited everyone from high school.

Among the four ships that ended up together (or was it five? I can't remember if I made Milliot canon) only one of them is still a couple in this story.

So that means yes, Kingsley and Hailey did not end up together. Some of you may remember, at the end of the Epilogue we discover Kingsley and Hailey made it as celebrity song writers, well known for their love for each other. This means they had a very public break up, and at the wedding everyone knows about it and is bombarding Hailey with questions.

The main character, I.E the ones that come to the wedding are Zoey and Sadie (duh), Luke, Hailey, Jake, Zander, Milly, Drew, Lia, Stacy, and Liam.

I wanna give you a run down of what they do/their jobs at the start of this book! (Because I spent so long thinking of their jobs when I was planning this)

Zoey - A world famous fashion designer. For all you fellow Sadoey shippers out there, Zoey proposed.

Sadie - A funeral director, also a part time novelist.

Hailey - A famous singer/song writing who is unfortunately going through a very public breakup and constantly being bombarded with paparazzis.

Jake - An real estate agent. Trying to make his music career work but he's really happy with his job.

Drew - An architect. With a really shitty boyfriend. They constantly fight and he's probably cheated on Drew.

Luke - A male ER nurse in medical school. He wants to be a doctor. He's a single father to a little girl, Aspen, who's his absolute world. He treats her like a princess. (Luke would be the best father and you can't change my mind) If you're wondering his wife didn't die, they got divorced because she was low key a tyrant 😭

Stacy - She and Luke are still really good friends! They live close together and she babysits his daughter a lot since he's really busy between a job and school. She's a dance choreographer!

Zander - A stock broker. He low key hates it but it's a secure job. He also works part time as a pianist at a jazz night club! He really enjoys that. He hasn't had a serious relationship since Luke. He's gone on so many dates but finds flaws in every single one of them lmao

Lia - CEO of an interior design company. She's married to a really sweet guy who cares about her a lot.

Milly - Radio personality. Her and Elliot have been on and off since high school. They r dated and broken up like 8 times 😭 seems also still good friend with Zoey!

Liam - Works a bunch of part time jobs while he's in college, kind of just barely getting by. He's head over heels in love with his video games obsessed girlfriend. He bought a ring and is waiting to propose to her.

I think that's all of them? I had to look back in my notes lol

But anyways! At the wedding tensions rise, exes see each other, all that stuff. Old feelings are resurfacing. By the end of the book 2 couples get together! And by get together I mean they agree to go on a date.

Since many of you were not happy with my choices last time, I will let you decide what two couples get together (Not decide, but it's up to your imagination). So, yeah, the fate of this story is completely up to your imagination :)

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments! Aside from "what ships ends up together" I'll try to answer them all!

Wow, I missed writing this book so much lol. I low key kinda regained motivation to write the second book again, plus I miss writing. Would you guys read it? No promises tho.

Anyways, that's all! Have a lovely day ^^

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