Chapter 12 | Sean's Crush

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An ebony-haired boy sat at his desk, gently tapping his pencil against the table, as he stared out the window of the classroom. His teacher was rambling on about something, though he didn't care. His mind was set elsewhere.


The girl who had won over his heart.

**(Lemme save y'all some trouble, no, it's not Daisy.)**

At first, it was a small crush, however, over time it blossomed into love. One he couldn't break free from as much as he tried.

But she could never feel the same way, which is why he had been trying to distance himself from her, in hopes to create a barrier between the pair, and his feelings would eventually vanish.

But of course, it wasn't that easy. Sean's feelings only grew stronger the more time spent with her, and he longed to confess, maybe one day the two could be something...

Two weeks. That's how long until summer started. And only two months after that he'd be off the college, and he was quite certain their friendship wouldn't last so long after that.

The familiar ring of the bell caught Sean's attention, as he broke from his small daze.

The students began gathering their things, flooding the once quiet classroom with chatter and noise.

"Oh, actually, one more thing!" The teacher exclaimed, "If you haven't heard already, the junior-senior prom date has been set! You can check posters in the hallways for those," She cheerfully continued, "Bring a date!"

Sean couldn't help but wonder, maybe this was his opportunity. His chance to ask her out. Maybe she'd say yes.

"Yo, big bro!" A voice that no doubt belonged to Milly called out from the doorway.

"Oh, hey, Milly," The DJ replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder as he glanced at his friend, seeing Zoey behind her.

While Sean and Zoey definitely weren't the closest, they had grown a decent bond since the latter had become friends with Milly.

"Hi Zoey," Sean added, approaching the pair of sophomores. Apart from those three, the classroom was empty.

"Hey Sean!" The blonde beamed, a bright grin on her face.

The trio then left the room, entering the crowd of students, all scrambling to get to lunch.

They headed to the band room, rehearsals had grown more frequent as graduation approached. Zoey and Milly created small talk, while Sean had his attention elsewhere, having his earbuds plugged in.

Once they made it to the club room, everyone else was there, with the exception of Luke.

Oh, Luke.

"Hey, um, guys, how are we gonna practice without Luke?" Sean asked, taking off his headphones as he completely forgot to greet his bandmates.

"Hello to you too, Sean," Hailey teasingly quipped, lightly rolling her eyes, "We're just gonna go on without him, it might sound weird, but it's our best option."

"Sorry, I'm late, Hailey!" Kingsley. A boy that had become all too familiar to the club members within the past several days. While the others had grown fond of him, he was getting particularly close with Hailey and Drew.

Hailey's flawless childhood best friend, who also happened to play an instrument, the violin.

"Oh, that's alright, Kingsley!" The teal-haired girl assured, giving a soft, heart-warming laugh, "I really appreciate you coming all the way here every day. You honestly don't have to."

"Well, it's worth it if I get to see you," Kingsley slyly smirked. Hailey's eyes widened, the faintest rosy tint reaching her face.

While it was true Hailey had been growing close with her old friend recently, *very close*, there was no way she was catching feelings, right? It had been only four days since they had reunited.

Jake suddenly cleared his throat, putting the small conversation to a stop, "So, uh, Kingsley, how long are you staying with us?"

"Oh, not too long, I just wanna spend some time with Hailey," The rose-eyed boy happily replied, "At Maple Hills Arts Academy, the end of the year is used for studying for finals, so it's not too crucial to be there or anything, and given how remotely high my grades have been all year, I'm sure I'll do fine."

"Wait, you go to Maple Hills Arts Academy?" Sean asked, showing a sudden interest in the conversation.

Exchanging a quick glance with Hailey, Kingsley responded, "Yeah, I do, actually, why?"

"Isn't that school insanely hard to get into?!" Sean elaborated, his eyes showing more astonishment by the second.

"I think insanely hard is a bit of a stretch," Kingsley shrugged, flickering his eyes towards the ceiling, "Family connections or outstanding talent relating to the arts, if you have either of those it's pretty easy to get in."

"Oh," Sean uttered, before a gentle smile plastered onto his face, "Well, congrats, man."

"Well, I should go!" Zoey said, "Goodbye everyone! Bye, Mills!" She lightly waved at the group, before leaving the club room.

"Alright, well, should we start?" Zander, who had been silent, spoke up.

"Actually, one thing," Kingsley said, giving a small grin towards the pianist, "Sean, right?" He asked, turning to the senior.

"Uh, yeah," Sean nodded, unsure what Kingsley was trying to bring on.

"I couldn't help but notice how distracted you look these past few days I've known you, the constant glances around, the gloomy aura, and the shaky sighs..." Kingsley explained, "Something's on your mind, from observation and personal experience, I'm assuming a crush?"

*How.* How did someone who barely knew Sean guess that so precisely.

Looking up at Kingsley, Sean saw something. Something in his pale pink eyes, he had malicious intent, rather than just genuine concern or curiosity. Sean wasn't sure what it was, but he knew Kingsley wouldn't bring up such a random topic for no reason. He had plans.

"Sean has a crush?" Hailey asked, a smile breaking onto her face, "Oooh, who is it?!"

"Hey, you told me you didn't have a crush!" Milly pouted.

"You should ask them to prom!" Jake proclaimed.

All these comments from his friends, Sean hated them. He knew they meant well, but he refused to admit he had a crush. Looking into Kingsley's eyes, Sean knew there was something deeper, and if he admitted to having a crush, it would most likely come back and backstab him. His gut told him Kingsley had bad intentions, and Sean didn't wanna take that risk. The risk of her finding out about his feelings.

"I don't like anyone, I don't know what you're talking about," He murmured, slightly turning his head to the side.

Kingsley raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, until his face brightened, a wide grin appearing, "Okay, sorry for bothering you, then!" He beamed, "Now, I'm gonna go get myself a salad, have fun practicing!"

As the others said their goodbyes, Kingsley began heading for the door, which Sean was still standing in front of.

As Kingsley passed Sean, he leaned towards him, whispering a phrase into his ear.

"I know you like her."

With that, he left the room, leaving Sean alone with his thoughts. 


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