Chapter 20 | Rejection

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Apology in advance I took a lot of long pauses while writing this chapter, so there may be a lot of repetitive phrases.

*Knock knock.*

Drew turned to the hospital door, just as it slowly creaked open.

An ombre-haired boy walked in, a dark navy computer bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hey," Drew murmured, slightly confused by Zander's presence.

"Hi." The latter replied, his tone rather dull. He slid his bag off his arm, carefully placing it down onto the ground before sitting on the small stool next to Drew's hospital bed. He remained silent for a moment, before speaking up, "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright," Drew shrugged, "My head kinda hurts."

Zander nodded, and a slightly awkward tension filled the air.

"So..." Drew murmured, "I don't wanna be rude or anything, but uh, why exactly are you here?"

"Oh," Zander softly exclaimed, "Right, so, um... When we were at the airport, I dunno if you remember, but you asked me to help you confess to your crush," He explained, "And, given you're in the hospital, I figured you could use my help more than ever."

"Uh, yeah, I do remember that," The magenta-haired boy spoke, "Listen, Zander, you don't have to-"

"But I want to." The pianist interrupted, "I wanna help you."

Drew gaped at him for a moment, before a crooked smile found its way onto his face. "Okay, I mean, I've been sending him letters. All I really ask is you keep putting them in his locker until I get out of the hospital. If he suddenly stopped getting letters, I think it'd be pretty easy for him to figure out who I am." He briefly paused, "And... Maybe you could help me confess to him as well?"

"Yeah, of course," Zander acknowledged, gently grinning, "So, who's locker should I put the letters in exactly?"

"Uh..." Drew mumbled, his cheeks turning to a rosy shade of pink.

"Zander!" The hospital door opened, revealing an azure-eyed girl, her navy hair pulled back into a ponytail with a white ribbon, "You said you'd be quick."

"Sorry, Stacy," Zander apologized, "I'm just talking to Drew."

"It's fine," She grinned back, walking towards the pair. "Drew, are you okay? I heard about what happened." She gushed, concerned, filling her gaze as she blinked back at Drew.

"Yeah, I'm okay," He assured. He hesitated for a moment, before asking, "So, are you guys, like, hanging out now?"

"Technically yes, Luke planned something for us, but he cancelled last minute to do something. I suggested Zander and I hang out for a bit anyway," Stacy weakly smiled, before clearing her throat, "Actually, Drew, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

Raising an eyebrow, Drew tilted his head. "Uh... Sure."

"Right, so, you're really good friends with Jake, right?" She asked, taking a strand of hair and twirling it between her fingers. Before letting him respond, she continued, "Did he ever mention anything about liking Hailey? Because I kind of got the vibe something was going on between them."

Drew's eyes widened, and he stammered, "U-um, well, I don't-"

"Really? Because Luke thought they liked each other too," Zander added.

Drew's breath hitched, though he managed to spit out a few words, "Jake likes Hailey?" His voice slightly cracked due to his shock and somewhat sadness.

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