Chapter 23 | The Truth Comes Out

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Tw: Blood

The students surrounding the pair gasped, as Kingsley stumbled backwards, streaks of blood trickling down his chin, dripping down from his nose. He quickly cupped a hand over his nose, hoping to prevent the blood from dripping anywhere. This quickly proved futile, however, as the blood pooled up in his hand, falling free. He had to hunch over to prevent the blood from staining his white dress shirt.

"Jake, leave him alone!" A teal-haired girl shrieked, immediately grabbing both of Kingsley's arms, protectively holding him close to her.

Jake's eyes shot wide, and he took a couple steps back, staring down at the hand he had used to punch Kingsley. "Wh-What did I just-"

"You psychopath!" Kingsley snapped, "What the Hell is wrong with you?!"

"Jake, why would you do that?" Sean muttered, managing to remain rather calm given the situation.

Glancing up, Jake made eye contact with Kingsley. He saw all the hatred, vengeance, and fury burning beneath those seemingly perfect bubblegum-coloured eyes.

Kingsley was angry. Which was understandable, given the fact he had just gotten striked in the nose, which was now pouring an endless river of blood.

Jake opened his mouth, hoping some logical sentence would come out, yet all he could spit out was meaningless stutters.

Just then, Zander pushed through the crowd, carrying a box of tissues. He quickly plucked a couple out, handing them to Kingsley. The latter quickly took them, replacing his now blood drenched hand with the crumple of tissues.

Zander then shot an ice cold glare to Jake. "Violence? Really? I'm a jealous person, but I'd never stoop that low."

"I don't know what I was even thinking, I-"

"Oh, enough with the bull-crap," Kingsley growled, quite evidently failing to hide the venom in his tone, "You knew damn well what you were doing when your fist hit my nose, you hasty-witted pillock!"

"Hey! This is your fault!" Jake shouted back, "You were the one aggravating me! Trying to get a reaction out of me! You hate me, and I have no clue why!"

"What are you talking about?" Kingsley scoffed, doing rather well at restraining his anger, "I tried being friends with you, but it was clear you wanted nothing to do with me. You can't say I didn't try, because I did."

"Please, nobody's buying that!" Jake hissed, Kingsley's calm demeanor once again further frustrating him, "Ever since you got here you do everything you can to make my life miserable!"

"Alright boys, let's break it up!" A loud voice called out, and Jake could recognize it as a teacher.

Nevertheless, he chose to ignore the voice, continuing on his angered rant, "You're so fake! You try to act like this guy everyone will fall in love with, but it's clear you have nothing but malicious intent! Heck, you probably hit Drew with that car, didn't you?"

Kingsley then did something that made Jake's blood boil on a whole new level. He laughed. He threw his head back, letting out a quick, bone-chilling cackle. "How idiotic can you be?!" He giggled, at this point giving up on trying to keep the tissue at his nose. "I was in California that entire week. Hailey was there with me."

"Huh?" Jake uttered, clear confusion in his now gentle voice. He turned to the mentioned girl, tilting his head, "What were you guys doing in California?"

Kingsley smirked, narrowing his eyes as he flickered his gaze to Hailey, "Why don't you tell him, Austin?"

Taken aback, Hailey's eyes widened. She released her hold on Kingsley, taking a step back. "I-I... Um..." She took a glance around, seeing all the people surrounding her.

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