Chapter 5 | A Day At The Mall (Part 1)

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"Hey, guys!" Milly exclaimed, running towards the group, along with her blonde-haired friend, "Sorry we're late!"

"Yeah, our uber took a wrong turn," Zoey explained, the pair arriving at the group.

"Oh, that's fi-" Hailey began, however was cut off by Drew.

"Zoey, I didn't realize you'd be here..." He murmured, his fists slightly clenching.

The girl mentioned turned towards him, eyes slightly widened, "Oh... Hey Drew..."

There was an awkward silence that fell across the group of teenagers. The ten of them refused to speak, all of them having knowledge of Zoey and Drew's rather messy breakup. The broken-up couple exchanged glances, lime and hickory eyes filled with venom and hatred.

Finally, Luke spoke up in hopes to ease the tension. "You know, Zander and I were gonna head towards one of the menswear shops, if anyone would be interested in coming with us," He grinned, grabbing hold of his boyfriend's hand.

Liam's eyes slightly lit up, glancing up at Luke, "Oh, I'll come!"

"Yeah, I will as well," Drew added.

Zander let out a quiet, nearly inaudible sigh. "Okay, let's go," He uttered, turning around and beginning to walk away, dragging Luke along with him, causing Drew and Liam to follow.

"So, Zoey and I are probably gonna get some food," Milly said, once the four boys were gone, "So we'll go do that." Zoey nodded in agreement, and the two girls began walking towards Stacy's Mamamia Pizza, which happened to be only a few shops away.

Hailey gazed at the three remaining people in the group, excluding herself. Jake, Sean, and Henry. "Okay, well, there's nowhere specific I wanna go, so should we just walk around until we find a store?" She suggested, slightly tilting her head.

The three of them agreed, then made their way down the long, seemingly endless hall of stores.

Hailey looked at Henry and Jake, seeing the two of them giggling and sneering to each other. Sean, who was next to her, was staring down at his phone.

The teal-haired girl sighed, knowing this was gonna be a long day.


Zander hated this. The uncomfortable silence, the fact two people who used to bully him were right next to him, most of all he hated how Luke, his boyfriend, the person who was supposed to have his back no matter what, was totally fine with this.

The entire situation was dreadful to him. And one more thing that definitely didn't help, was he noticed Liam kept looking at Luke strangely. The auburn-haired boy didn't notice, but Zander did, and it made him extremely uneasy.

Luke would occasionally try to start up a conversation, though it never lasted long, and eventually he gave up.

They had been walking, without exchanging a single word, for a good ten minutes, until Liam turned towards Luke, opening his mouth to speak, "Hey, um, Luke," He uttered, catching the attention of the latter, "I was- uh, I was w-wondering I could talk to you..." He stammered, then took a deep breath, briefly glancing at Drew and Zander, "A-alone..."

Zander narrowed his eyes, tightening his grip on Luke's hand. "Why?" He growled, slightly pulling his boyfriend closer to him. He was really trying to work on his jealousy, but there was something about Liam's tone that he just hated.

"Hey, it's fine," Luke chuckled, placing a soft kiss onto Zander's forehead, "You guys keep going, we'll catch up," He said, then pulled away from the mauve-haired boy, stepping next to Liam.

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